Event Site Settings

Learn the areas of a site that you can adjust, and how to make changes.

Ardis Kadiu avatar
Written by Ardis Kadiu
Updated over a week ago


Your Event451-powered event site is highly customizable while, at the same time, designed to be easy to manage.

In this article, we'll go through the areas of the site you can adjust and how to make changes.

Event Site Settings

Click on Engagement in the top navigation bar.

Click on Engagement in the top navigation bar.

Click on Events, then Event Settings.

Click on Events, then Event Settings.


Here, you can upload your organization's logo. There are two logos that you should include.

  • Header Logo: This image is displayed in the main menu of the site against a background of your organization's color, so the logo color should be selected accordingly. The header logo also appears in email messages sent by Event451.

    • πŸ–Ό This displays as an image 60 px high and up to 200 px wide. Select an image with those proportions in mind.

  • Footer: This image is displayed against a white or light-grey background at the bottom of the site and should have a color that will work well with a light background. Your organization's colors, for example. The footer logo also appears in email messages sent by Event451.

    • πŸ–Ό This displays as an image up to 250 x 200. Keep this in mind as you select your image.

Add a Logo

Click on Upload Header Logo or Upload Footer Logo. The Add Logo window will open where you can select a .jpg or .png image from your computer.

Change a Logo

Hover on the logo and click on the trash can icon that appears. You'll be prompted to upload a new logo file.


Event Types

Event types, terms like "lecture," "open house," and "concert," can be used to classify your events. Event types are selected when you create an event and appear with event descriptions on your event site.

Edit or Delete a Type

On the far right of each term is a pencil edit icon and a trash can delete icon. Click on the icon for the action you want to take, e.g. edit or delete.

Add a New Type

Click the Add button in the bottom right. A New Event Type window will open where you can enter the text for the new type, and click Add to save it.

Event Types

Event Categories

Event categories are terms used to group events by topics or audience, for example, "academics," "financial aid," "undergraduate," "alumni." Event categories are selected when you create an event and appear with event descriptions on your event site. While you can only select one Event Type, you may tag your event with multiple Categories. This will help people find more events that are relevant and interesting to them.

Edit or Delete a Category

On the far right of each term is a pencil edit icon and a trash can delete icon. Click on the icon for the action you want to take, e.g. edit or delete.

Add a New Category

Click the Add button in the bottom right. A New Event Category window will open where you can enter the text for the new type, click Add to save.

Event Categories

Thank You Note

The Thank You Note is what appears on the screen when someone successfully registers for an event. There are 2 parts to the Thank You Note: the heading and the text. As you can see in the second image below, the heading is in a larger font size than the text.

Add or Edit the Thank You Note

Type the text you want to use in the respective fields, e.g., heading and text. Your content will be saved automatically.

Thank You Note

This is where the Thank You note will display after someone registers for an event.


Menu items are displayed in the main menu of your event's site. You can add, edit, delete, or reorder menu items. Below are examples of how these are displayed in the site and the editor.


This is how and where they will display on your event's site.

The Home, Calendar, and Series links are included with your event's site setup. You will generally want to leave these items as they are, but you have the option to edit or delete them as you please.

Edit, Delete, Reorder a Menu Item

Use the edit and delete icons at the right of the item you want to edit or delete. To reorder an item, click on the arrows icon on the left of the item name, and drag and drop it to the location you want.

Add a New Menu Item

Click the Add button in the bottom right. The New Menu Item window will open where you will be asked to enter 2 pieces of information:

  • Menu Label: This is the text that will display on the site.

  • Link URL: This is the URL that clicking the item will take people to. This can be used to direct people to your organization's homepage or any other webpage you desire.

Once you've entered the information, click Add. The new menu item will immediately appear on your site.


The footer is the bottom area that appears on every page of your event site. You have a few customization options:

  • Show Navigation in Footer: Turning this toggle to "Yes" will display the menu items that appear in the top main menu of the site. The second image below shows an example.

  • Footer Text: If you would like to display any text, enter it here. Common uses include contact information, address, legal info, or simply a friendly message.


Event Series

Event series are events that are grouped together, e.g. orientation or a speaker's series. (More about Event Series.)

You can show, hide, or edit the introductory text to your Events Series page.

  • To show the text: simply click the Show Intro Description toggle to "Yes."

  • Add or edit the text: enter it in the Description Text field. It will automatically save as you type.

Event Series


The General section allows you to set the URL for your event site.

General Event Settings
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