Campaign Analytics

Learn to analytics data for your messages in Campaigns.

Eric Range avatar
Written by Eric Range
Updated over a week ago

Analytics Overview

Analytics provide statistics about the performance of your communications (for example, open and click rates). They also tell you things like what type of device recipients viewed emails on, how many messages bounced, and if people unsubscribed.

On this page, we’ll give you a tour of the information available about your campaigns. Reviewing analytics is a great way to learn from your communications and to better understand your audiences.

Getting Started

Navigate to Analytics via Engagement > Campaigns > Analytics.

A list of communications that have already been sent will appear.
β€‹πŸ“™ Note: Only sent communications will be listed because we don't have data to crunch until a message is sent.


The Analytics overview page provides a snapshot of your communications' performance, including total opens and clicks. On the top right of the table that lists sent communications, you can toggle between Email and SMS analytics list-views.

To see additional analytics on a particular communication, click on the title of the communication.

A screen will appear looking something like this, and showing more details about that particular communication:


At the top of the page, you will see the title of the communication, when it was last edited, and by whom. On the top right, you will see an option to Duplicate the communication if it was One-Time, and to Duplicate or Edit if it is an Ongoing Communication.

Below that, you will see a row of data related to the Communication.

  • Sent - the number of email addresses or phone numbers that were sent the Communication.

  • Opens - the number of unique opens for a Communication, along with the rate of unique opens.

  • Clicks - the number of unique clicks for a Communication, along with the rate of unique clicks.

  • Bounce %: - The percentage of sent messages that bounced.

  • Unsubscribe % - The percentage of sent messages that prompted an unsubscribe response from the student.

In the bottom left of the screen, you will see a card titled Settings.

Here, you will find information about when the email was set up to send, who the audience was, what the sender email address was, and what the reply email address was.

To the right of this information, you will see a Preview of the communication that was sent.

πŸ“™ Note: When you are on the general Analytics page, you can filter the data you are seeing two different ways:

  • By date: All Time, Today, Yesterday, 7 Days

  • By categories: Communication (name), Folders, Tags

When are Analytics Calculated

When analytics are calculated depends on the time filter used.

  1. Today and Yesterday filters are calculated in near real-time. Giving you up-to-date information shortly after the send is completed

  2. All-Time and Last 7 Day filters are designed for higher level analysis and are refreshed daily at approximately 9am Eastern Time.

Limitations of Analytics

Capturing analytic data is a constantly evolving process. Email carriers constantly change their practices and technologies to filter spam, prevent phishing and provide a good experience for email users. As such, Campaign Analytics may fluctuate drastically.

Opens and clicks are particularly difficult to interpret, as email carriers will scan emails for spam. This scanning process can create a "false open" or "machine open". Carriers may even go as far to click every link in the email as part of their scan, which can create false clicks. It is impossible to anticipate the various tactics that each of the carries might employ.

It is important to understand these limitations as you interpret your Campaign analytics. We also encourage the use of best practices when crafting email subjects and body copy.

Element451 Updates to Campaign Analytics





Import Opens and Clicks from Sendgrid

Element451 utilizes Sendgrid as our email service provider. In June, we made changes to our email tracking to rely on open and click events from sendgrid, instead of our own tracking system. Sendgrid has a better system for filtering out automated machine opens. That may cause open rates to appear lower, but the lower rates are more accurate.

See Also

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