Importing into Element451

Map fields and import records into Element451 with the Import Module.

Ardis Kadiu avatar
Written by Ardis Kadiu
Updated over a week ago

This guide relates to our legacy Import + Export Module.

While available until March 31, 2024, we encourage you to experience the benefits of our upgraded Import + Export Module. It's designed to streamline your workflow with enhanced capabilities.
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This article assumes you already have a basic knowledge of fields within your instance of Element451.

On this Page:

The Import Module


Importing People Records is key to using Element451. This article will give you an understanding of the components of the Imports Module. You'll have records in the system in no time!

Opening the Import Module

Open the Import module of Element451, you'll start by hovering over the Data Module and then select Import. This screen is where you can view existing imports and create new ones.

Creating a New Import

Ensure that you have either a .csv or a .txt file. Excel files can't be imported, and will need to be saved as .csv or .txt first. Data files should at least have an email address, first name, and last name for each contact.

To create a new import:

  1. Click on the plus button in the top right of the Import Module,

  2. Select Data Import

  3. Name your file, and click Create.

In this article, we'll focus on importing data. You are also able to import documents. Learn more about Document Imports.

Selecting an Import Source

You can import files from a variety of sources, as seen on the Sources tab. In this example, we'll use the My Computer source, which will upload a file from your desktop.

Ensure that you have either a .csv or a .txt file. Excel files can't be imported, and will need to be saved as .csv or .txt first. Data files should at least have an email address, first name, and last name for each contact.

In the Import, click the "Upload File" card to select the .csv or .txt file from your desktop.


Pro tip: When using using SFTP, Dropbox, and Google drive to import from a folder, you can use * as a wildcard for multiple character or you can use [date:now,format=m-d-Y] to pick up only a file for the current day. For example if you have a file name "nursing_data_5-18-23.csv", you could use the pattern " *_data_[date:now,format=m-d-Y].csv" to import all data files from the current date.


After selecting your file, you'll be moved to the Mapping screen. This is where the bulk of your import work will take place.

You'll see each of your file columns displayed vertically on the left. The right will be blank, but is where you will select the Element451 field that each file column corresponds to.


At the top of the tab, you can select an import template. A list of system templates are available by default, or you can build your own.

In this article, we'll assume you are not using a template.

Simple Mapping

For some fields, mapping will be simple. For example, when importing first name, you can simply click "Map to Field", search "First name" and select the first name field.



Advanced Mapping + Examples

Some fields will not be as simple. In those instances, we'll need to edit the column settings.

Open column settings by clicking the settings cog icon at the right of each row.

Column Setting tabs include:

  • Scope: Defining what the column is related to, such as an application or milestone. Read more about Scopes.

  • Transformations: Telling Imports how to understand the data, and transforming the data as needed.

  • Validations: Ensuring data meets certain criteria before being imported.

  • Empty Values: Telling the system what to do with blank cells.

Many rows will have a grey cog, but some will have a blue or red cog. This will indicate the column needs attention. All cogs should be blue or grey before running the import.

Let's look at some common examples of advanced mapping.

Example: Mapping a Application Term Code to a Data Source Term

In this example, you have a data file of students and their application information. One column is the application term code (FA22), and that correspond to the term codes in your Data Sources. Here are the steps to map this column and verify it is reading the data correctly:

  1. Map the column to an Element451 field. You might use the user-applications-term field. The field will show a red settings cog when selected.

  2. Edit the Column Settings. Click the red cog.

  3. Set the Scope. Under the Scope tab, set the Application field to the application this import corresponds to.

  4. Set the Interpret As field. Under the Transformations tab, set the Interpret As field to "code". This will tell the system you're importing codes.

  5. Check the Enabled box. Under the Interpret As field, make sure the enabled box is checked to tell the system this transformation is active.

  6. Done! Click Done at the bottom right of the pop-up card.

  7. Verify. Move to the Preview tab and find the column number of term column. The input field should show the term code (FA22) and the output should show the term's Element GUID (school.term.12345)

Example: Mapping a Address State Code

In this example, you have a data file of student contact information. One column is their home address state code (NC). Here are the steps to map this column:

  1. Map the column to an Element451 field. You might use the user-addresses-home-state field. The field will show a blue settings cog when selected.

  2. Edit the Column Settings. Click the blue cog.

  3. Set the Interpret As field. Under the Transformations tab, set the Interpret As field to "Alpha 2". This will tell the system you're importing state codes.

  4. Check the Enabled box. Under the Interpret As field, make sure the enabled box is checked to tell the system this transformation is active.

  5. Done! Click Done at the bottom right of of the pop-up card.

  6. Verify. Move to the Preview tab and find the column number of address state column. The input field should show the state code (NC) and the output also should show the state's code.

Example: Validating Email Addresses are Correct Before Importing.

In this example, you have a data file of student contact information. One column is their email address. Here are the steps to map this column:

  1. Map the column to an Element451 field. You might use the user-email-address field. The field will show a grey settings cog when selected.

  2. Edit the Column Settings. Click the grey cog.

  3. Create an Email Address Validation. Under the Validation tab, select the "Add Validation Type" button. Select "Email" from the dropdown list.

  4. Done! Click Done at the bottom right of the pop-up card.


Check the Preview tab to see the output of transformations. Read more about expected outputs for data sources.


Once you have completed mapping, you can move on to the matching tab. This tab will allow you to identify the criteria in your import to match any existing records on. Matching will prevent duplicate records from being created.

It's common to match on email address, but all identity fields being imported can be matched on.


Groups & User Type

The Groups & User Type tab will allow you to do the following:

  • Create a new segment for student records affected by your import (This can be helpful when debugging imports).

  • Add student records to groups available within your instance.

  • Set the record "type". By default, all records imported are assumed to be students. This can be changed to Family or Influencer.


The Preview tab will allow you to preview records in your import to confirm that everything looks good. If there are any errors in the formatting of those records, you'll see a yellow yield sign on the right side of the screen.


Run Task

The Run Task tab allows you to Run the task immediately or schedule it to run at a time in the future.

Test Task: Before you run, try testing your import with the "Test Task" button. This will simulate how many records will be created or updated and how many rows will be skipped without affecting the records. Read more about testing imports.

When configuring a scheduled import task, you will also see an option to select "When no matching files are available, execute the next scheduled task run." Enabling this option allows your scheduled task to continue to run as scheduled, even if there is not a matching file found. This helps to ensure that your run won't break.

Once you've tested and are ready to execute your task, click "Run Task" (if running immediately) or "Schedule Task" (if running on schedule).


The Results tab shows the results of all runs and tests executed by the import. Each run result will show the number of records added or updated by the run, and the number of rows in the data file that were skipped. If a row was skipped, the results will show a warning. Read these warnings to understand why rows were skipped.

All Column Setting Options

A list of all options in the Transformations and Validations tabs and a description of what they will do.


Transformation allow you to perform basic changes to the data in your file. Here are the transformation available to you within Element451:

  • Uppercase - All alpha characters will be changed to uppercase

  • Lowercase - All alpha characters will be changed to lowercase

  • Titlecase - Capitalize the first letter of each word in a string

  • UCFirst - Capitalize the first letter of an entire string

  • Trim - Remove any leading or trailing spaces from a field

  • Append - Add a characters to the beginning of a field

  • Prepend - Add characters to the end of a field

  • Replace - Replace one value with another

  • Substring - Extract a set of characters from within the middle of a field



Validations are a way to ensure that the data you're entering into a field is in the correct format. Here are the validations available to you within Element451:

  • Required - Make this field required on an import

  • Letter Only - Ensure this field contains only alpha values

  • Email - Ensure the field is in a recognizable email format (

  • Maximum Length - Sets the maximum number of characters that can be entered into this field

  • Minimum Length - Sets the minimum number of characters that can be entered into this field

  • Between Lengths - Sets a minimum and maximum number of characters that can be entered into this field

See Also:

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