BoltBot Handoffs
Michael Stephenson avatar
Written by Michael Stephenson
Updated over a week ago


If BoltBot fails to resolve an inbound inquiry, it can hand the conversation off to you or a team member. To configure this, you will need to set up an automation rule.

Use Handoff intents to guide the next steps in your conversation automation rules. When you provide a hand intent to BoltBot it should be clear and concise to help BoltBot match the context of the conversation with the steps you configure in the rest of your rule.

Think of handoff intents in a similar way to "message content" conditions. Although with the power if BoltBot, exact matches are not required.

πŸš€ Pro Tip: In addition to handoffs, you can use automation rules for many different things, like automatically closing conversations, adding tags, and more. To learn more about automation rules, click here.

Configure BoltBot Handoffs

Navigate to Engagement > Conversations > Settings > General.

  1. Under Automation Settings, click Add Rule.

  2. You can enable the rule now or later.

  3. Give your rule a description, for example, "BoltBot Handoff - Financial Aid."

  4. Add the condition Chatbot Handoff Intent. The Chatbot Handoff Intent side sheet will appear.

  5. For the Chatbot Handoff Intent Type

    1. Specific Intent: Use this intent type if you want to fine-tune how conversations are handed off. You are telling BoltBot to find out what the contact is trying to accomplish or what the reason for the handoff is. Short and clear instructions are best. Examples: Admissions, International Application Process, Final Aid, Information about the Biology Program.

    2. All: Use this intent type if you want all messages, no matter the intent, to be handed off to an individual or team. For example, if you have an enrollment services reception desk or a student worker who is responsible for handling inbound chats, you could use this type. You should only every have one hand off automation that uses the All intent type.

  6. For the case of this example, we will choose Specific Intent.

  7. Next, you'll need to enter the Chatbot Handoff Intent. Here, you will describe the intent using keywords. Since our example is handing off financial aid questions, you could put "financial aid" or "financial assistance."

  8. Click save. You will be returned to the side sheet.

  9. Now, you will configure your action(s). Under action type, select what you want to happen. For this example, we will select "assignment" because we want the conversation to be assigned to the financial aid team once BoltBot is ready to hand it off.

  10. Select the assignee you want to be assigned once the inbound message meets the criteria by using the keywords "financial aid." For this example, we will select the financial aid team as the assignee. You could also assign it to an individual.

  11. Repeat this process for all other handoffs you wish to automate.

Handoffs - Video Overview

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