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Sources Dashboard

Introduction and Overview of the Sources Dashboard

Megan Butts avatar
Written by Megan Butts
Updated over 9 months ago


The Sources dashboard analyzes the sources added to profiles in Element451. Explore funnel counts, conversions, and student dimensions by source type, name, and segment.

Accessing the Dashboard

The Sources dashboard can be found via the Insights sub-menu. The Insights module can be accessed from the Data + Automations dropdown in the top navigation.

Dashboard Features

The Sources dashboard displays funnel tables, a section to explore specific funnel stages and student dimensions, and a UTM table.

Data can be viewed by source properties and student dimensions

Global Controls

  • Source Type: Filter by one or more source types. These types are Custom, App, Event, and Web.

  • Source Name: Filter by one or more source names.

  • Source Segment: Filter by one or more source segments.

  • Student Term: Filter by one or more active student terms.

  • Student Major: Filter by one or more active student majors.

  • Student Type: Filter by one or more active student types.

  • People Segment: Filter by a specific calculated segment of students created in your Element451 instance.


Data on the Sources dashboard is organized by an overview tab, an explorer tab—to analyze sources by different dimensions—and a web sources tab—to analyze the UTM and URL variables collected on web sources.

Overview Tab

Unique Controls

  • Funnel and Conversion Table | Funnel Stage 1-5: Select the 5 funnel stages for the table.


  • Sources Overview

    • Pie chart of sources added to student records grouped by source name during the selected time period.

    • Horizontal stacked bar chart of sources added to student records by source name and source segment name.

  • Funnel and Conversion Tables

    • Table of funnel counts by source type, name, and segment during the selected time period.

    • Table of conversion rates by source type, name, and segment during the selected time period.

Explorer Tab

Unique Controls

  • Funnel Stage Explorer | Funnel Stage: Select a funnel stage for the visualizations to focus on.

  • Dimension Explorer | Dimension: Select a student dimension for the table to be grouped by.

  • Dimension Explorer | Funnel Stage 1-5: Select the 5 funnel stages for the table.


  • Funnel Stage Explorer

    • Map of student records in the selected funnel stage that have sources with dates during the selected time period. This visualization can be drilled up and down from state, country, and zip-code.

    • Horizontal bar chart of student records in the selected funnel stage that have sources with dates in the selected time period.

    • Pie chart of student records in the selected funnel stage that have sources with dates in the selected time period.

  • Dimension Explorer

    • Table of funnel stages by source type, name, segment, and selected dimension in the selected time period.

  • First Source

    • Sankey diagram displaying the first source listed on the student profile, by date, and the current funnel stage of that student.

Web Sources Tab

Unique Controls

  • UTM Table | Funnel Stage 1-5: Select the 5 funnel stages for the table.


  • UTM Table

    • Table of funnel stage counts by UTM variables associated to a web source.

  • URL Table

    • Table of funnel stages by URL associated to a web source.

Metric Definitions



Inquiry Rate

sum(Prospects) / sum(Suspects)

Application Submission Rate

sum(Application Submits) / sum(Prospects)

Admit Rate

sum(Admits) / sum(Application Submits)

Deposit Rate

sum(Deposits) / ( sum (Admits) + sum(Admit Conditionals) )

Yield Rate

sum(Enrolled) / ( sum(Admits) + sum(Admit Conditionals) )

Troubleshooting & FAQ

  • Why is there no data?

    There are a variety of reasons an Insights report is blank. Try the following quick fixes:

    • Reset the report. Visualizations may be filtering the report. Check the date controls. If the date is too far in the past, it may pre-date your activity in Element451.

    • Check what fields are being used. For example, if your institution is not adding dates to the sources, some counts may not appear correctly.

    • If data is still missing, there may be issues with your data in Element. Check out this guide for data cleanup.

  • Why are the source counts off from what I see in my Element451 Instance?

    Because this dashboard is filtering off of dates, you may need to adjust the date filter further back than the default. If you are still noticing differences, your data may be missing source dates or have invalid dates (having a year prior to 1400). Following the clean up guide, you can create a segment that looks for sources with a timestamp of 0 to 1400 years in the past to target the group that needs to be cleaned up.

  • What is the People Segment filter and how do I use it?

    The Sources dashboard can only be filtered by certain dimensions by default. The people segment filter is a great way to filter the report by dimensions that matter to you. Create a segment in the People module, and set it as a calculated segment. Please allow 24 hours for new calculated segments to appear and filter correctly in Insights. More on using segments and Insights together.

  • How can I pull a list of students that are being counted towards the visualizations and tables?

    You can create a segment in your instance and utilize the Sources (All Properties) filter to identify your list. If you are wanting to filter the list with a student dimension like term, major, or student type use the "Active" term, major, or student type fields. Active fields use the most recently collected term, major, and student type found on the student profile.

  • Does the Web Sources tab track page views?

    The Web Sources tab tracks the URL and UTM variables at the time the web source was created on the student profile. It does not display the student's page view to date. Stay tuned, a page views dashboard is on the way!

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