The Knowledge Base, integral to BoltAI , is divided into two distinct repositories: public and private. As you contribute various sources of knowledge, the Knowledge Base expands, directly enhancing BoltAI's capabilities. The richness and quality of the information added are pivotal in maximizing the effectiveness of BoltAI's tools.
Public vs. Private
The Knowledge Base is divided into two repositories: Public and Private. Each serves a distinct purpose to ensure your Bolt Assistants and Bolt Discovery tools deliver accurate, reliable support. Below, we explain both in detail:
Public Repository
Public Repository
This repository is utilized by both Bolt Assistants (Students + Staff) and Bolt Discovery.
Bolt Assistants for Students: It learns from this repository to deliver round-the-clock support to students and families, becoming more adept at handling a wide range of student inquiries and engaging in more natural conversations.
Bolt Assistants for Staff: Utilizes this repository to answer general questions, draft messages to contacts, build campaigns and pages, and more!
Discovery: This repository provides accurate and relevant answers, taking users beyond the conventional search experience into a new era of interactive discovery.
Private Repository
Private Repository
Exclusive to Bolt Assistants for Staff, this repository is a specialized, secure, and tailored resource designed to meet your institution's unique needs. It significantly enhances Staff Assistant functionality, making it a powerful tool for internal users. Simply ask your Staff Assistant a question, and it will search your private knowledge base for an answer.
We recommend specifying the staff assistant use information from your internal knowledge base to avoid searching the Element451 help center. For example, you could ask, "Use the internal knowledge base: how do I submit a travel request?"
Tailored Information Access: The private repository allows for including information specific to the departments/teams using Element451, such as internal policies and processes.
Enhanced Efficiency: By providing quick and accurate responses to specialized queries, the private repository reduces the time staff spend searching for information, thereby boosting productivity.
Consistency in Information: With a centralized private repository, you ensure that all staff have access to the same information, leading to consistent responses and policies across the institution.
Continuous Improvement: The private repository evolves into a dynamic repository of institutional knowledge as it is utilized and expanded, thereby continually enhancing Staff Assistant effectiveness.
The information added to your knowledge base should be factual, clear, and from authoritative sources of truth. Our website loader (more on that below) makes capturing lots of information at once easy, but be sure you are only capturing correct and relevant information.
Types of Sources
Knowledge can be added to the text box. When copying and pasting text, there are a few things to remember:
The text does not retain any rich formatting (such as links, bold, styles, etc.).
When pasting in data from a table or similar source, be sure it is clear which data relates to what other data.
Though machine learning can parse dense blocks of text, you may want to make it legible so a human editor can maintain it.
As with any source, you should regularly review the text content for accuracy, as important deadlines and other information may change over time.
Add knowledge from a single webpage via the URL option.
Simply add the URL (including the protocol, such as https://).
To display the URL as a source when answering a question (offering an opportunity for further exploration), ensure “Display Knowledge Sources to User” is enabled in Bolt Assistant Settings.
Daily Sync
For both URL and Website types, BoltAI will relearn your URL daily to capture any website updates if the ‘Daily Sync’ option is enabled; otherwise, it will sync only once during load.
To ensure we’re only reindexing pages with updated information, Daily Sync will reindex a webpage only when BoltAI detects a change has been made. BoltAI checks for the following indicators:
last-modified header
etag header
meta tag with name=‘date’ in the HTML
sitemap lastmod date
If your site doesn’t include at least one of these elements, we recommend adding them to ensure accurate reindexing and up-to-date content.
A Website Source Type allows you to add information to your Knowledge Base from a collection of web pages. Instead of manually adding individual pages, you can provide a URL that points to a main page or directory folder on your website. Our system will then use the sitemap associated with that URL to identify relevant pages. This allows you to quickly and easily add a broader range of website knowledge to BoltAI.
For example, you can use the main sitemap for your entire website (e.g., elementuniversity.edu/sitemap.xml
) or a sitemap specific to a subdirectory (e.g., elementuniversity.edu/academics/page-sitemap.xml
). To load websites, the selected website must have a sitemap.xml entry.
Once you've provided the URL, you can select which pages from the sitemap you want to include in your knowledge base. We recommend keeping the total number of pages per Website Source to around 20-30 for optimal performance.
Display Source to User: To display the URL as a source when answering a question (offering an opportunity for further exploration), ensure “Display Knowledge Sources to User” is enabled in Bolt Assistant Settings.
Considerations When Adding Sitemap Sources
Robots.txt Precedence: If your root domain contains a robots.txt file, we will prioritize this as best practice, which may impact sitemap access.
Explicit Sitemap URLs: If you specify a URL that ends in.xml, Element will treat it as the explicit sitemap and fetch the content directly, bypassing any robots.txt restrictions.
Daily Sync
For both URL and Website types, BoltAI will relearn your URL daily to capture any website updates if the ‘Daily Sync’ option is enabled; otherwise, it will sync only once during load.
To ensure we’re only reindexing pages with updated information, Daily Sync will reindex a webpage only when BoltAI detects a change has been made. BoltAI checks for the following indicators:
last-modified header
etag header
meta tag with name=‘date’ in the HTML
sitemap lastmod date
If your site doesn’t include at least one of these elements, we recommend adding them to ensure accurate reindexing and up-to-date content.
File Upload
File Upload
Directly upload files with any of the following formats to the Knowledge Base: .eml, .html, .json, .md, .msg, .rst, .rtf, .txt, .xml, .jpeg, .png, .csv, .doc, .docx, .epub, .odt, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .tsv, .xlsx.
Particularly large files can cause parsing errors. While there is no strict file size maximum, files over 10MB tend to have a high fail rate. While you can simply retry to learn the file, we recommend breaking larger files into smaller content chunks of approximately 10MB or less.
Custom Answers
Custom Answers
Create predetermined question-and-answer pairs for your most frequently asked and important questions.
Custom Answers are prioritized over other sources in your Knowledge Base. However, Student Assistants may paraphrase these answers appropriately and include additional information from relevant sources.
For example, let's take this Custom Answer:
Q: "How many programs are offered at Element University?
A: There are 20 undergraduate programs, 10 graduate programs, and 5 certificate programs."
When asked about the programs at Element University, the assistant might say, "Fire University offers a total of 35 programs."
While this paraphrase is accurate, it's not a word-for-word match. The assistant uses the content of the Custom Answer but adapts it based on the conversation's context.
Custom Answers are given priority but are not repeated precisely.
To add a new custom answer or group of customer answers, click the + sign.
You do not need to add each custom answer as a separate source. Once the side sheet opens after clicking the + sign, you can add as many relevant questions and answers to this "group" as you would like.
Give this source a title at the top of the page. For example, if you add questions about the application process, you can title it "application process."
Type your question (e.g., How do I apply?)
Type your answer (e.g., You can apply to Training University by completing a common application or using the TU application at apply.training.edu.)
You can add additional Q&A pairs to this "group" of custom answers by clicking the + sign again, or if you are finished, click Save.
Importing and Downloading Custom Answers:
You can import an existing list of questions and answers via CSV file. Click the upload button and attach your file (it must contain two columns: question and answer). If you are editing an existing group of custom answers, importing a CSV file will overwrite the current data with the questions and answers from the imported file.
To export or download this group of custom answers, click the download button to initiate a CSV file download.
If you need to update an existing group of custom answers, we recommend using the download feature, editing the CSV provided, saving your changes, and importing the CSV back into Element451.
While custom answers will be prioritized before other knowledge, the student assistant may paraphrase the response when appropriate and provide additional information from other relevant knowledge sources.
YouTube (Temporarily Disabled)
YouTube (Temporarily Disabled)
08/14/2024 | We have temporarily hidden the ability to add new YouTube videos to your knowledge base as a result of recent changes in Google's API. This change has impacted our ability to index these sources effectively. We are actively investigating alternative methods to support video content, aiming to restore this feature as soon as possible. Read more here.
Integrate YouTube content directly into your Knowledge Base. BoltAI reads and processes video transcripts, making all spoken content within videos accessible for queries and assistance through Bolt Assistants.
You can add videos one by one using the YouTube Video source type or upload multiple videos from a single YouTube Channel using the YouTube Channel source type.
YouTube Video: Add a single YouTube video URL.
YouTube Channel: Add a channel handle to select one or more videos from that channel. Once you add the channel handle, the list of videos will automatically populate. Use the checkboxes to select which video(s) you wish to add.
The video's privacy setting must be configured to either be public or unlisted in order for it to be used.
Adding + Managing Knowledge Sources
Adding Sources
Adding Sources
Navigate to Data + Automations > Knowledge.
Select Public or Private from the left menu to add a source to the appropriate repository.
Click on + New Source in the header.
Configure the source details:
Title: Add a title to the source at the top of the dialogue box.
Give each Knowledge source a meaningful title, whether added as text or content from a URL/website. Not only does this assist human staff with maintaining your school's knowledge, but it also helps BoltAI identify the best content to use when assisting you or your students.
Type: Select the type of source.
Folder (Optional): Organize your source by selecting a folder. By default, all sources appear in the All Sources folder, but you can assign them to a custom folder for better organization. Learn more about folders below.
Categories (Optional, but highly encouraged): You can tag a Knowledge Source with one or more categories to help organize your knowledge.
If you’re using Bolt AI Student Assistants, categories allow you to control which knowledge sources each assistant can access.
Complete Type-Specific Fields:
Text: Content
URL: URL, Sync Daily
Website: URL, Sync Daily
File Upload: File
Custom Answers: Question and Answer (More Info Above)
Once you've completed the fields for your Source, click Save.
After you add a knowledge base article, Element will take a few minutes to "learn" the information, which will become available when prompted on Conversations.
Viewing Sources
Viewing Sources
Navigate to Data + Automations > Knowledge.
Select the appropriate repository (Public or Private) from the left menu.
A list of your sources is provided in a table format, displaying the following information:
Title: The title of your source.
Type: The type of your source (Text, URL, Website, or Custom Answers).
Categories: The assigned categories of your source.
State: The current learning state of the source.
Learning: The source is in the process of being learned by BoltAI.
Learned: The learning process has been completed by BoltAI.
Failed to Learn: There was an error with the learning process by BoltAI. This may happen with websites outside your domain with protective firewalls preventing us from collecting and learning the information. If this happens, you can click the three vertical dots to open the menu and delete this source.
Description: The description of your source.
Sorting + Filtering Sources
Sorting + Filtering Sources
When managing your knowledge base sources, the sorting and filtering options allow you to organize and narrow down your list to find exactly what you need quickly and efficiently. Follow the steps below to sort or filter your sources.
Sorting Sources
Sorting is a great way to quickly find sources with similar titles, types, or statuses. By default, your source list is sorted by the created date, with the most recently added sources appearing first.
To sort your source list alphabetically by title, type, or state, click the respective column header. Clicking the header toggles between ascending and descending order.
Filtering Sources
You can apply filters to the source list for more granular control over your view. Here’s how:
Click the funnel icon in the top-right corner of the Knowledge Sources card.
In the filter sidesheet, select the desired filters. You can choose multiple options within each filter category to refine your results further.
Type: Filter by one or more source types type
Categories: Select one or more categories
State: Filter by one or more learning states
Once you’ve made your selections, click Apply Filters. The list will update to show only the sources that match your criteria.
Clear your filters by clicking the reset option in the filter sidesheet.
Editing Sources
Editing Sources
To edit a source:
Navigate to Data + Automations > Knowledge.
Select the appropriate repository (Public or Private) from the left menu.
Locate the source you wish to edit.
Click the three vertical dots icon to the right of the source description.
Select Edit.
Previewing Sources
Previewing Sources
To take a quick glance at the source's information:
Navigate to Data + Automations > Knowledge.
Select the appropriate repository (Public or Private) from the left menu.
Locate the source you wish to edit.
Click the three vertical dots
icon to the right of the source description.
Select Preview.
Forcing Source to Relearn
Forcing Source to Relearn
Forcing a URL source to be relearned ensures that any updates, corrections, or changes in categorization criteria are fully integrated and accurately reflected.
If you want this process to happen automatically, enable the ‘sync daily’ setting for the URL.
To force Element451 to relearn a URL source:
Navigate to Data + Automations > Knowledge.
Select the appropriate repository (Public or Private) from the left menu.
Locate the source you wish to be re-learned.
If you want to force a re-learn for multiple sources, consider using our bulk actions feature.
Click the three vertical dots
icon to the right of the source description.
Select Learn.
To force Element451 to relearn a URL from a Website Sitemap source:
Navigate to Data + Automations > Knowledge.
Select the appropriate repository (Public or Private) from the left menu.
Locate the Website source that contains the URL(s) that need to be updated.
Click the three vertical dots
icon to the right of the source description.
Select Edit.
Within the Sitemap section, locate the URL(s) you wish to be re-learned.
If you want to force a re-learn for multiple sources, consider using our bulk actions feature.
Click the three vertical dots
icon to the right of the State.
Select Learn.
Deleting a Source
Deleting a Source
To permanently delete a source from the knowledge base:
Navigate to Data + Automations > Knowledge.
Select the appropriate repository (Public or Private) from the left menu.
Locate the source you wish to delete.
Click the three vertical dots
icon to the right of the source description.
Select Delete. You'll be prompted to confirm your action.
Organizing Your Sources with Folders
The Folders feature in the Knowledge Base allows you to organize your sources for quick access and better management.
All Sources: The system automatically generates an All Sources folder where every source is listed. Even if you assign a source to a custom folder, it will still appear in All Sources.
Custom Folders: You can create folders tailored to your needs. These folders are listed in alphabetical order and cannot be reordered.
Folders in Public + Private Repositories: Folders are shared across both repositories. For example, if you create a folder called Admissions, it will appear in both the Public and Private repositories. However, each folder will only display the sources for that specific repository.
Adding Sources to Folders
Adding Sources to Folders
You can organize sources into folders in three ways:
At Creation: When adding a new source, select the folder where you want it saved.
Individual Sources: From the source list, click the three vertical dots at the end of a source’s row, select Move to Folder, and choose the desired folder.
Bulk Action: Select multiple sources using the checkboxes. At the top, click Move to Folder and select the folder.
Removing Sources from Folders
Removing Sources from Folders
To remove a source from a folder:
Open the folder containing the source.
Locate the source and click the three vertical dots at the end of its row.
Select Edit.
In the edit sidesheet, update the Folder field to No Folder.
Click Save.
The source will be removed from the folder but remain accessible in All Sources.
Bulk Actions on Sources
Using a bulk action, you can efficiently manage multiple sources at once (learn/relearn, add to folder, change category, or remove category). Here’s how:
Select Sources: Select the sources you wish to apply a bulk action to.
Individual Selection: Click the checkboxes to the left of each source title to select specific sources.
Select All: Use the checkbox in the header row to select all sources displayed on the page.
Perform Bulk Actions: Once you’ve selected the sources, three blue options will appear above the header row:
Learn: Force the selected sources to be relearned.
Add to Folder: Move sources to a specific folder or organization.
Change Category: Update the categories for the selected sources.
Remove Category: Remove an existing category from all selected sources.
Using these options, you can quickly update and manage multiple sources, saving time and ensuring consistency across your data.
Best Practices
Maintaining a well-curated Knowledge Base is critical for ensuring your BoltAI tools—Bolt Assistants and Bolt Discovery—deliver accurate and reliable responses. Check out our article, Best Practices for Curating and Maintaining Your Knowledge Base, to learn more about what we recommend for organizing, curating, and auditing your Knowledge Base.
FAQ + Troubleshooting
Can I index my entire .edu site using a single website knowledge source?
Can I index my entire .edu site using a single website knowledge source?
While it is technically possible to index entire websites (although larger sites may exceed our rate limit), there are downsides to this approach. One is that many college and university websites have outdated or contradictory information listed on different pages. By adding an entire site, we may inadvertently include information that could confuse Bolt Assistants.
Using the Website loader, you can start at a path you are most confident in. For example, if you work in admissions like elementuniversity.edu/admissions. You can also select/deselect one or more pages/paths to include/exclude from your website knowledge source.
We recommend keeping individual website knowledge sources to, at most, 20-30 web pages.
Can I add my social media URLs (like Facebook and Instagram) as sources?
Can I add my social media URLs (like Facebook and Instagram) as sources?
The Knowledge Base cannot ingest or retrieve content from your social media accounts, such as posts, comments, or updates. However, you can add your social media handles or URLs as a Text Source or Custom Answer to make them accessible for sharing with students.
For example: “You can check out Element University on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ElementUniversity!”
This allows your Bolt Assistants or Bolt Discovery to provide links to your social media pages when students ask how to find you online. Keep in mind that this is for sharing access to your pages—not the content within them.
My Bolt Assistant returned an answer that didn't match my Knowledge Base.
My Bolt Assistant returned an answer that didn't match my Knowledge Base.
If you’ve checked your Knowledge Base and confirmed that the content is accurate, here are some key things to consider:
Understanding Semantic Search Across All Sources
Bolt Assistants use semantic search to retrieve the most relevant chunks of information from your Knowledge Base—not the entire source. For example, if a student asks, “How many graduate programs do you offer?” the assistant will extract snippets of text that best match the query, regardless of whether they’re from a URL, Text Source, or Custom Answer.
This means the assistant’s response may only reflect the retrieved chunks, which could lead to incomplete or misinterpreted answers if the content isn’t clear, concise, or well-structured.
Prioritization of Custom Answers
Custom Answers are prioritized in Bolt Assistants because they are designed to provide direct, predefined responses to frequently asked questions. For example:
Anticipated Question: “How many graduate programs do you offer?”
Custom Answer: “We offer 10 graduate programs, including programs in Business, Education, and Healthcare.”
By using Custom Answers for specific, high-priority questions, you can ensure that the assistant provides accurate and comprehensive responses tailored to common inquiries.
Avoiding Duplicate or Conflicting Information
Duplicate or conflicting content in your Knowledge Base can lead to inconsistent answers. For example, if one source states, “We have 10 graduate programs,” and another incorrectly mentions “8 graduate programs,” the assistant may retrieve conflicting chunks of information, causing confusion.
What to do:
Regularly audit your Knowledge Base for duplicate or outdated content.
Use clear, specific language in your sources to avoid ambiguity.
If there is critical information students often ask about, like program counts or deadlines, include it as a Custom Answer to ensure consistency.
We've updated a page on our website, but BoltAI returns outdated information.
We've updated a page on our website, but BoltAI returns outdated information.
Ensure you have daily sync enabled on the page in question. This will ensure that BoltAI checks for updates on that page each day. Alternatively, you can use the "relearn" feature on a source to capture the most recent information.
To ensure we only reindex pages with updated information, Daily Sync will reindex a webpage only when BoltAI detects that a change has been made. BoltAI verifies this by checking the following:
The last-modified header
The etag header
The meta tag in the HTML with name="date"
The sitemap lastmod date