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Microsites Part 3: Content Block and Section Descriptions
Microsites Part 3: Content Block and Section Descriptions

Details and explanations of each content block and section that can be added to your Microsite.

Michael Stephenson avatar
Written by Michael Stephenson
Updated over a week ago


In Part 1, we provided an overview of the basic structure of a Microsite, which consists of two primary types of content: blocks and sections. This article will delve deeper into each type of content, helping you determine which one is best suited for your Microsite.

Once you have decided on the content you want to include, you can move on to the final part of this series, Part 4: Adding Content to Your Microsite, where we will cover how to add content to your Microsite.

Use the arrow to expand the information for each content type.

Content Blocks

Login and Dashboard

The following content blocks are available to add to both the login page and the dashboard:

Call to Action

A call-to-action (CTA) card is an interactive element that prompts admitted students to take a desired action.

  • Title: Users won't see this, but it's helpful to manage your content

  • Text: Descriptive text explaining the call to action and why it's important

  • Button text: The text you want displayed on the button (e.g., Click here to register now!)

  • Button link: The URL to where you want the button to take the student

  • Card visibility can be tailored to different audiences with labels (dashboard only)

    • If used on the login page, it will be visible to all audiences

You can also adjust the card style by selecting a background icon or uploading your own image.



Factoid cards effectively showcase accomplishments, rankings, awards, and other noteworthy details that prospective students would find compelling. They add visual interest to a page and quickly communicate key messaging in an easy-to-digest format.

  • Highlighted number: prominent number and symbol (if applicable) to draw attention (e.g., #1)

  • Title: A short, impressive line of text or statement summarizing the factoid (e.g., #1 Nursing Program in the State)

  • Description: Provide context or explanation of the factoid and why it is important

  • Card visibility can be tailored to different audiences with labels (dashboard only)

    • If used on the login page, it will be visible to all audiences

Adjust the card colors and add a background icon under the Design tab.



The text card is a simple, flexible component that displays a title and descriptive content. Text cards work well for including narrative information. For example, they can show details on campus culture, student life, academic overview, admission process, etc. You could add a "Did You Know" or "How to Find Your Campus ID Number" card. The title and text provide helpful context without requiring the user to take action.

  • Title: Title text prominently displayed at the top of the card

  • Text: Paragraph text below the title to share information (Tip: Use numbered or bulleted lists to increase your use cases for the text card)

  • URLs can be added, but images cannot

  • Card visibility can be tailored to different audiences with labels (dashboard only)

    • If used on the login page, it will be visible to all audiences.

Dashboard Only

The following content blocks are available to add only to the dashboard:

Featured Event

The featured event card is linked to the Events module in Element451, allowing you to feature an upcoming event to highlight.

  • Great location to emphasize a specific event, especially those required for admitted students like orientation

  • Card visibility can be tailored to different audiences with labels


Featured Location

The featured location card links to the Location Explorer section of your Microsite. After adding, you will need to select from previously added locations.

  • Highlight an important point of interest for your institution or city on the dashboard. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase historical landmarks or popular destinations for new students on campus.

  • Card visibility can be tailored to different audiences with labels

Please take a look at the next section for more information on the Location Explorer and adding locations.


Use the media card to add photos and videos to the Microsite dashboard. By incorporating multimedia, your Microsite can have an interactive feel that spotlights the campus, community, and academic programs for admitted students.

  • Upload images directly

  • Link videos from YouTube/Vimeo

  • Great for virtual tours, campus life snippets, program overviews

  • Media cards break up text and engage visitors



The profile card is an excellent opportunity for showcasing the influential and notable people at the institution. It allows admitted students to get to know these individuals and learn about their unique stories, which can help to create a sense of connection and belonging.

  • Displays a photo, name, title, and descriptive text

  • Can highlight student peers, faculty, campus leaders, etc.

  • Useful for student testimonials, faculty spotlights, featuring athletes

  • Card visibility can be tailored to different audiences with labels

Content Sections

Sections can only be added to the dashboard. Explore the section options below:


The academic section displays details on the student's intended major and engages admitted students by providing an interactive overview of their intended program of study. Students can select a different major, providing the option to explore other programs if interests change.

Please note there is a limit of one academic section per Microsite.

  • Pulls in majors added in the Majors Settings of the Microsite

  • Shows the student's intended major but allows selecting a different one for exploration purposes

  • Display example courses for the major as individual cards

  • Additional cards like text, CTA, profile, and factoid can be added

*A card is added to the dashboard in addition to a section.

Also, see the Career section.

Acceptance Package

The acceptance package section is connected to the Decisions Module (Applications > Decision > Decision Settings > Package) and displays a student's package details.

  • Please note there is a limit of one acceptance package section per Microsite.

  • For letters to display on the Microsite, you must manually toggle on 'active to send' within the package settings for the student. Learn more here.

Displays acceptance letter, financial aid package, and other custom packages:

Enable the counselor card to display the student's assignee's contact information:

Allows downloading acceptance letters and reviewing aid offers and link to your cost of attendance data:

Additional cards like CTA's can be added to this section to direct the next steps:

Provides a centralized hub for students to view their admission status, awards, and terms after being accepted


The career section provides customized career and job information for each major. It helps admitted students understand the experiential education, networking, and employment opportunities associated with their intended major. Please note there is a limit of one career section per Microsite.

*A card is added to the dashboard in addition to a section.

It pulls data entered in the Majors section career information tab, which can include:

  • Sample careers and work settings graduates can pursue

  • Skills and competencies the major develops

  • Placement highlights like employer partners and alums roles

  • Average salary range for related positions

  • Student clubs and organizations related to the field


The checklist section enables you to provide a customizable, relevant to-do list for admitted students on their Microsite. A checklist can empower admitted students to self-navigate critical post-acceptance actions leading up to enrollment.

*A card is added to the dashboard in addition to a section.

The key components of a checklist card include:

  • Institutions create checklists with important to-do tasks

  • Checklists can be tailored to different audiences via labels

  • Students self-manage their checklist and manually check off items

  • Progress is private - staff cannot view status

  • Helps guide students through critical steps like paperwork, deposits, orientation, etc.


The documents section simplifies the submission of necessary paperwork using customizable document requests and collection forms for admitted students.

There are two different types of document forms that you can add to the Microsite:

  1. Document Request: The student sends a document request to an external party like their high school counselor.

    • You can pre-configure request forms for various use cases by navigating to Engagement > Microsites > Document Requests.

    • Students can track their status after submitting a request.

    • Autoresponders confirm submission for student and receiver.

  2. Document Form: Students can complete customized forms from within the Microsite.

    • You build forms to gather info from students.

    • Students fill out and submit forms directly on their Microsite.

    • These forms do not support file uploads.

*A card is added to the dashboard in addition to a section.


The general section is the best option when you need to segment information into its own section. It provides the most flexibility, allowing you to customize it for your institution's needs. You can customize the header and add various content blocks such as text, call-to-action, media, profiles, factoids, featured events, and featured locations.

Location Explorer

The location explorer section lets you showcase points of interest near campus or within the local community on your Microsite. Adding the location explorer enables you to engage admitted students and acquaint them with the surrounding area. Please note there is a limit of one location explorer section per Microsite.

  • Location cards for highlighted points of interest

    • Categories of cards include accommodation/hotel, arts and culture, education, entertainment, food, medical, parks and outdoors, photo spots, sports, shopping, and travel

    • Filter location cards by category

    • Each location card can contain the address, distance from the institution, photos, contact information, and details

  • Displays as map pins or as clickable location cards

  • Highlight a specific location card on the dashboard by adding the Featured Location block

  • Subpage visibility can be tailored to different audiences with labels


The social content section has been deprecated and, therefore, is no longer supported.

Content Blocks are displayed on the Microsite using a masonry layout. This means we display each block or tile to minimize gaps and optimize space. As a result, some blocks may shift from session to session.

The Microsites is included with the Element Engage package.

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