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Import Management

Navigating the Imports Overview Screen + Editing, Deleting, Searching, and Filtering Import Tasks.

Megan Butts avatar
Written by Megan Butts
Updated over a week ago


The Import task list is the first screen you are greeted with when opening the Import + Export feature.

  • Displays All Imports: The Imports Overview screen shows all import tasks you and your team have created. This includes tasks that have been running, are scheduled to run, and have yet to be run.

  • Advanced Filters: Apply filters to focus on the import tasks you need to edit.

Key Features

  • Manage Import Tasks: Without leaving the screen, you can duplicate, delete, run, and jump into editing tasks.

  • Filters: Apply filters and sort your Import Task list by import type, status, occurrence, created date, last run, and next run to find specific tasks quicker.

  • Organize Imports into Folders: Teams create tons of Imports, and your import tasks can get lost in the shuffle. Add imports to folders so you can quickly jump back into the imports you are working on.

Accessing the Imports Page

To access the Imports Overview Screen, navigate to Data + Automations > Import + Export.

Video Guide

Imports Page

You can find the following information on the Imports Overview Screen:

Import + Export Features

Navigate between the different Import + Export features: Imports, Exports, Connectors, and Mapping Templates.


Jump into a folder to quickly find a task or create a new folder to organize tasks.

Search and Filter

Search for a task by its name or use the advanced filters to trim down the Import Task List.

Import Task List

Displays a list of all tasks, their type, created date, last run date, next scheduled date, and repeat schedule. You can move tasks into folders, edit, delete, duplicate, and run directly from the Import row in the list.

Managing Imports

Editing an Import

  • Option 1: Click on the Import Task Name

  • Option 2: Click the more icon, then click Edit.

Running an Import

  • Option 1: Click the Import Task Name and click the Run Import button.

  • Option 2: Click the more icon, then click Run.

Move an Import to a Folder

  • Click the more icon, then click Move to Folder and select the folder from the dropdown.

Duplicating an Import

  • Click the more icon, then click Duplicate. The duplicated task will show at the top of the Import Task list and start with “Copy of…”

Deleting an Import

  • Click the more icon, then click Delete and confirm the delete action.

Bulk Actions

  • Use the checkboxes to select a group of tasks to bulk move to a folder.

Filtering Imports

Advanced Filters

The Imports feature offers several advanced filtering options to navigate and manage your Import Tasks efficiently. Use the filter icon to open the advanced filtering. Here’s how you can use these options:

  • Type: Filter Import Tasks based on their type, data, or documents.

  • Status: Filter Import Tasks by their current status, such as Draft, Scheduled, Running, and more.

  • Occurrence: Filter Import Tasks to view tasks that have a repeating schedule.

Searching Import Tasks

Use the magnifying glass icon on the Import Overview screen to search for a specific Import Task by name.

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