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Reviewing + Exporting Survey Responses
Reviewing + Exporting Survey Responses

Learn how to review and export survey data. Analyze individual responses, track engagement, and utilize filters.

Michael Stephenson avatar
Written by Michael Stephenson
Updated over a week ago


Element451’s Surveys module provides robust tools for reviewing and exporting survey data. Effortlessly analyze individual responses, track engagement over time, and export data for deeper analysis. Utilize quick and advanced filters to refine your results, and access comprehensive statistics through visualizations and charts.

Reviewing Responses

Navigate to Engagement > Surveys and click the survey name for which you wish to view the results.

Responses Over Time

At the top of the page, you’ll see a chart titled “Responses Over Time.” Use the filter in the top right corner to view the response count for All Time, This Month, This Week, or Today.

Response Submissions

Below the Survey Details, a table lists each survey response individually. To view a specific response, click the title (contact’s name). A side sheet will open, allowing you to review that contact’s responses to each question.

  • Quick Filters: The Quick Filters dropdown menu allows you to filter the responses list by All, Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last 7 Days, This Month, or Last 30 Days.

  • Advanced Filters: Click the funnel icon to apply advanced filters. You can filter responses based on when the survey was submitted, segment, and/or survey question responses.

Once you’ve filtered the list to your satisfaction, use the export function to export the pre-filtered data. The export process is explained in the next section.


You can access survey statistics by clicking the Stats tab, located to the right of the Responses tab. The Stats tab provides visualizations, including graphs and charts, summarizing the responses for each question.

The same Quick Filters and Advanced Filters available in the Responses tab are also applicable in the Stats tab:

  • Quick Filters: The Quick Filters dropdown menu allows you to filter the responses list by All, Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last 7 Days, This Month, or Last 30 Days.

  • Advanced Filters: Click the funnel icon to apply advanced filters. You can filter responses based on when the survey was submitted, segment, and/or survey question responses.

Exporting Survey Data

You can export survey results in either PDF or XLSX format.

  1. Navigate to Engagement > Surveys.

  2. Click the name of the survey for which you wish to export results.

  3. Click the three vertical dots in the header.

  4. Select Export. The Export Survey Data modal will appear.

    • File Type: Choose your preferred file type: PDF or XLSX.

    • Export with Active Filters: If your list of responses has filters applied, enabling this toggle will export the data with those filters. To export all responses, leave this toggle off.

  5. Click Export.

Taking Action on Survey Responses

While you can't create segments based on individual survey question responses, you can create segments based on whether a contact answered a survey or not.

If you want to take action, like sending a Campaign to contacts who responded in a certain way to a survey question, you may want to consider using the Forms module instead. With Forms, you can build segments using the fields on a form.

Alternatively, you can export the survey response data from the Surveys module and filter it to your needs. Then, re-import the spreadsheet into E451 using the Import + Export module to add labels in bulk and create a new segment. This option is a bit more advanced, and you should have experience using the Import + Export module. You can learn how to do this below:

Export Survey Responses + Import to Add Labels

    • Use the XLSX file type option and prepare the file for import.

    • Edit the spreadsheet to include only the contacts/responses you want to label. The import will apply the same label to all contacts. For example, if you want to segment contacts who gave a poor rating (1 or 2) on a question, remove the response rows with ratings of 3 or higher.

  1. Convert the File to CSV Format

    • Use your PDF viewer tool to save the file as a CSV, or use the export function to change the format (CSV is the required file type for Import).

    • Create a new label and copy the taxonomy code generated for the label.

    • Mapping: Ensure the file has at least two columns mapped: the identifier (Element ID or email address) and the calculated column.

      • To add the calculated column, click Add a Mapping, select Calculated, and map to the user-labels-import field.

    • Formula: Under the Formula tab, paste the label’s taxonomy code. Be sure to wrap the taxonomy code in quotation marks ("training.taxonomy.12345").

    Configure Import Settings

    • Configure the settings to your preferences, but note that you can enable “create new segment." If you plan to create a segment, this will save you a step by allowing the import task to create a segment of these users automatically.

  2. Run the Import

    • The labels will be added, and a segment will be created (if enabled).

The Surveys Module is only available with the Element Engage package.

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