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Export Mapping Examples

Sharing inspiration on what to map with common export examples.

Megan Butts avatar
Written by Megan Butts
Updated over a week ago


To help you get started on building export tasks, we want to provide you with a good starting point. In this article we provide several scenarios of exports we see our partners building out and what fields to include.

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Example 1: Event Attendee List

Scenario: An event has just completed and you want to share a list of attended students to another department with basic contact information.

Repeat fields based on: Events

Items To Export: All

Order By: Default

Order: Blank

Conditions: Events (All Properties) where record marked 'Attended' is true for a specific event name

Example of fields that can be mapped:

  • First Name (user-first-name)

  • Last Name (user-last-name)

  • Email (user-email-address)

  • School ID (user-identities-schoolid)

  • Events Date (user-events-date)

  • Events Registration Date (user-events-signup-status-created-date)

  • Events Guest Number (user-events-guests-number)

Example 2: Application Status Report

Scenario: You need to send out a weekly report around applications and their current status to track progression for the upcoming term.

Repeat fields based on: Applications

Items To Export: Last (most recent/latest)

Order By: Default

Order: Blank

Conditions: Application (All Properties) with application term and application type identified.

Example of fields that can be mapped:

  • First Name (user-first-name)

  • Last Name (user-last-name)

  • Email (user-email-address)

  • School ID (user-identities-schoolid)

  • Application Term (user-applications-term)

  • Application Major (user-applications-major)

  • Application Degree (user-applications-degree)

  • Application Student Type (user-applications-student-type)

  • Application Status (user-applications-status)

  • Application Board Stage (user-applications-board-stage)

  • Application Board Status (user-applications-board-status)

  • Application Last Updated Date (user-applications-updated-at)

Example 3: Funnel Report

Scenario: You need to send out a weekly report around the funnel stages to track progression for the upcoming term.

Repeat fields based on: User Profile

  • First Name (user-first-name)

  • Last Name (user-last-name)

  • Email (user-email-address)

  • School ID (user-identities-schoolid)

  • Active Term (user-calculated-active_term-new)

  • Active Major (user-calculated-active_major)

  • Active Student Type (user-calculated-active_student_type)

  • Created Date (user-milestones-created-date)

  • Date Of Inquiry (user-milestones-prospect-date)

  • Application Registered At (user-applications-registered-at-*)

  • Application Completed At (user-applications-completed-at-*)

  • Application Submitted At (user-applications-submitted-time-*)

  • Application Board Status (user-applications-board-status-*)

  • Application Released At (user-applications-decision-released-at-*)

  • Deposit Date (user-milestones-deposit-date)

  • Enroll Date (user-milestones-enroll-date)

  • Withdrawn Date (user-milestones-withdraw-date)

Example 4: Test Scores

Scenario: For your student information system integration, you need to extract test scores of admitted students. You would like each row to represent a test.

Repeat fields based on: Evaluations

Items To Export: All

Order By: Default

Order: Blank

Conditions: Evaluations (All Properties) with specific test types selected. For example, ACT and SAT.

  • First Name (user-first-name)

  • Last Name (user-last-name)

  • Email (user-email-address)

  • School ID (user-identities-schoolid)

  • Test Date (user-evaluations-date)

  • Test Composite Score (user-evaluations-composite-score)

  • Test Math Score (user-evaluations-math-score)

  • Test Science Score (user-evaluations-science-score)

  • Test English Score (user-evaluations-english-score)

  • Test Evidence RW Score (user-evaluations-evidence_rw-score)

  • Test Reading Score (user-evaluations-reading-score)

Example 5: Sources

Scenario: It is the end of a season and you are wanting to see where your enrolled students from the cycle came from using the sources object on their profiles.

Repeat fields based on: Sources

Items To Export: First

Order By: Sources Timestamp

Order: Ascending

Conditions: None

  • First Name (user-first-name)

  • Last Name (user-last-name)

  • Email (user-email-address)

  • School ID (user-identities-schoolid)

  • Sources Name (user-sources-name)

  • Sources Source Code Segment (user-sources-segment)

  • Sources Timestamp (user-sources-timestamp)

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