If you haven't already, please read the article Getting Started with Tracking: Pixel + Google Tag Manager before proceeding.
You can implement the Element451 tracking pixel and Messenger (Live Chat) feature in your Google Tag Manager (GTM) container by creating a custom HTML tag.
The tracking pixel is included within the Messenger embed code, streamlining the setup process. The tracking pixel tracks your website's analytic events (page views and link clicks).
Implementation Options
The Element451 tracking pixel is now seamlessly integrated into the Messenger embed code, providing a single, streamlined implementation process.
Messenger Embed Code
The Messenger embed code includes the tracking pixel, which captures analytic events like page views and link clicks. This setup ensures comprehensive tracking without needing additional code. Even if Messenger is disabled or hidden on specific pages, the tracking pixel will still collect analytic data.
Setting Up the Messenger Embed Code with GTM
Step 1: Copy the Embed Code
In Element451, navigate to Engagement > Conversations > Settings.
Select Messenger from the left menu.
Scroll to the Embed Code field and click the copy icon.
Step 2: Create a Tag in GTM
Open GTM and select Tags from the left menu.
Click New in the top right to create a new Tag.
Name your Tag (e.g., “Element451 Messenger + Tracking Pixel”).
Click Tag Configuration and select Custom HTML.
Paste the Messenger embed code into the HTML field.
Click Triggering and select a trigger that fires on all pages except Element451-owned pages. (See below for details.)
Save the Tag and click Submit to publish it.
Even if Messenger is disabled on particular pages, the tracking pixel will still capture analytic events.
Configuring Messenger Display Conditions
To control where Messenger appears:
Non-Element451 Pages
In Element451, navigate to Engagement > Conversations > Settings.
Select Messenger from the left menu.
Under Conditions, click Add Filter.
Choose a filter type (Page URL, Path URL, UTM Parameters).
Set the Operator and Value for the filter.
Add as many filters as needed.
Element451 Pages
Enabling the Messenger Messenger to display on your internal Element451 pages and sites is a straightforward process that doesn't require any coding. To show the messenger, you can enable the 'Activate Messenger' setting for each module. In this article, we have provided instructions on how to access the settings in each module.
Always configure conditions in Element451 rather than GTM. This ensures that the tracking pixel still fires even if Messenger is hidden.
Hiding the GTM Tag from Element451 Pages and Sites
Since the tracking pixel is already embedded on Element451 Application Sites, Event Sites, Forms, Microsites, and Pages, adding your GTM container to these pages can cause duplicate tracking. To avoid this:
Identify URLs:
List URLs for Pages, Application Sites, and Events (e.g., "events.yourinstitution.edu").
Create a Trigger in GTM:
Select Triggers from the left menu.
Click New in the top right to create a new Trigger.
Name your Trigger (e.g., "All Pages except Element451").
Select Page View and set the trigger to fire on Some Page Views.
Add conditions for each URL in your list (Page URL does not contain the URL).
Create a condition for each URL on your list.
Save the Trigger and apply it to your tracking pixel / Messenger embed Tag.
Final Recommendation
Add your institution’s Google Tag Manager ID to Element451 Application Sites, Event Sites, Forms, Microsites, and Pages to streamline analytics across platforms. For more information, please see Getting Started with Tracking: Pixel + Google Tag Manager.