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Bolt Profile Templates

Getting started with Bolt Profiles.

Eric Range avatar
Written by Eric Range
Updated over a month ago


Bolt Profile Templates in Element451 allows you to define what information appears on a user's profile. You can start with our versatile system templates or craft custom versions tailored to your needs. These dynamic templates display content based on various factors such as profile data, user characteristics, and visibility groups. Given the high customizability of these profiles, the display and accessibility of certain information may vary. This article guides you through effectively managing your profile templates.

In order to edit or create a new Profile Templates, a user must be a member of a Permission Group that has been granted the "Administer Profile Templates" permission.

Accessing Bolt Profile Templates

  1. Click on your picture/avatar in the top right corner of the orange navigation menu.

  2. Navigate to Settings > Profile Templates.

Profile Templates List View

The Profile Templates list view shows all profile template names, descriptions, and statuses. Profile Templates are displayed in two groups: Custom People Templates and System People Templates. Custom People Templates are those created by your school. System People Templates are built into Element451.

From the list view, you can take several actions:

  • Activate / Deactivate profile templates.

  • Drag & drop reorder the list (grab the = to begin).

  • Open, Edit, Delete, or Duplicate a profile template.

  • Create a new custom template.

  • Duplicate a system template to use as a foundation of a custom template.

Order of Precedence

Filters configured in the Profile Template settings determine when a particular profile template should be displayed to a user. Since it is possible for there to be more than one qualifying template, Element451 uses the order of precedence to determine which should be shown in those cases. Working from the top down, the first qualifying template will be displayed.

Custom Templates are evaluated first, then System Templates.

Generally, place the narrowest use profile at the top of the list and work down to the broadest. For example:

  1. Agent Profiles

  2. Family Profiles

  3. Graduate Student Profiles

  4. Admitted Undergraduate Student Profiles

  5. International Undergraduate Student Profiles

  6. Domestic Undergraduate Student Profiles

  7. Default Profile

Create a custom "Default" template without filters and put it at the bottom of your custom profiles list. This will prevent system templates from being displayed.

Video Guide: Profile Template List Overview

Creating or Editing a Custom Profile Template

  • To create a new template: Click on the + Create Template button.

    • You can also create a new custom profile template by duplicating a custom or system profile template.

  • To edit an existing template: Click on the three vertical dots and select Edit.

Settings Tab

When creating or editing a template, there is a Settings tab where you can:

  • Template Active

    • Activate/Deactivate the template.

  • Description

    • Add/Edit description.

  • Show When

    • Conditions that determine which internal users see specific profile templates when viewing a contact's profile. These conditions control what information, cards, and layouts are available to different users based on various criteria about both the contact being viewed and the internal user viewing the profile.

    • Available Conditions

      • Person (Contact) Conditions: Labels, Territory, Address State, Address Country, Profile Type, and Visibility Groups (if the person profile being viewed is in a given visibility group).

      • User Conditions: Admins (specific internal users), Groups (Permission Groups), Primary Team, Team (member of this team- does not have to be their primary team).

How Conditions (Show When) Works: When an internal user views a contact's profile, Element451 checks these conditions to determine which profile template to display. It's important to remember the order of presence and that templates are evaluated in order. Read more above.

For example, if you want your admissions counselors to see a specialized template:

  1. First, identify how your counselors are organized:

    • Are they all in a specific Permission Group?

    • Are they part of a designated Team?

  2. Then, set the appropriate condition:

    • If using Permission Groups: Select "Groups" and choose the counselors' group

    • If using Teams: Select "Team" and choose the counselors' team

  3. Design the template with the specific cards, information, and layout needed by your counselors

Now, when any internal user who meets these conditions views a contact's profile, they'll see this specialized template designed specifically for their role.

Video Guide: Profile Template Settings

Header Tab

All profiles contain a header. In the Header tab, you'll configure options for the top section of a profile. In the header, you can:

  • Show/Hide labels section

  • Show/Hide profile type (with dropdown editing)

  • Show/Hide settings menu (Password Reset, Deactivate User, Delete User)

  • Show Hide deduplication menu

  • Select a background image

  • Configure Metadata to display

  • Add/Remove call-to-action buttons

Video Guide: Profile Template Headers

Sidebar Tab

The sidebar is an optional area of the profile that you can pin either to the left or right of the main display area. in the Sidebar tab, you can:

  • Select the sidebar location (or hide the sidebar).

  • Toggle the show/hide record assignee.

  • Toggle the show/hide Territory

  • Toggle the show/hide More Data button.

  • Create sidebar sections to group fields together.

  • Configure fields to display.

Video Guide: Profile Templates Sidebar

Main Display Area Tab

The main display area of the profile is the blank canvas you can use to customize what information you display to your users. Data is displayed by mixing and matching data cards. There are currently more than 30 data cards available (see Parts of the User Profile). Most cards come in single, double, or triple column widths. Depending on the card, a wider version of the card may display more information or provide additional functionality.
In the Main tab, you can:

  • Toggle the profile search bar.

  • Enable Card groups.

Card groups allow you to gather cards into bundles which are selectable via a dropdown. This can be handy when displaying a large number of cards to organize them better. You might have different groups for application, interaction, and bio/demo data.
​Note: A card can only be added to a group once. If you enable groups, you can add a single card to more than one group. When in the "All Cards" view, you'll only see the first instance of a given card.

Video Guide: Profile Template Main Display Area

Custom Profile Cards

Element451 admins can build custom profile cards. These cards allow you to put relevant information together for your staff. Custom cards can contain any of your person-scoped custom fields and/or any person-scoped system fields.

Video Guide: Profile Template Custom Cards

Tips and Tricks

  • As a rule of thumb, your "show when" filter should include Profile Type filters (Student, Family, Influencer, Agent) for one or more Profile Types.

  • Use Visibility Groups to leverage the full suite of segment filters.

  • If you create your own Default Profile with no filters and place it at the bottom of your Custom Profile list, users will never see the Element451 system-delivered templates.

Custom profile templates are only available with the Element Engage package.

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