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Task Priorities
Michael Stephenson avatar
Written by Michael Stephenson
Updated over 5 months ago


Task Priorities help you organize and manage tasks based on their level of importance. Within the setup page, you can create distinct priorities for both internal tasks and contact tasks.

You can use default priorities like Low, Medium, and High or create custom ones to fit your specific workflow. This flexibility helps you manage workloads effectively and ensures that both internal and contact tasks are prioritized accurately.

Priority is a required field. At least one priority needs to be enabled.

Accessing Task Priorities

Task Priorities can be configured in Tasks Settings. To access Tasks Settings, navigate to Contacts > Tasks > > Priorities.

In the lefthand menu, you can use the collapsable section to switch between internal and contact statuses.

Default Priority

Priority is a required field when creating a new task. To streamline manual task creation, Element451 admins can set a default Priority that will pre-populate the Priority field for all users. Use the drop-down field to change your Default Priority.

Adding a Custom Priority

  1. Ensure you are in the correct category in the left-hand menu—internal or contact.

  2. Click the + Add New Priority button at the bottom of the Priority list.

  3. Replace "Untitled" at the top with a name for your Status.

  4. Enable or disable your Status by using the toggle.

  5. Select the icon you wish to use to represent this Priority.

  6. Select the color you'd like to associate this Priority with.

  7. Click Save.

Editing + Deleting Priorities

  1. Click theon the right of the row of the Priority you wish to edit or delete.

  2. Select edit or delete, depending on what you wish to do.

  3. If deleting, you'll be prompted to confirm the action.

    • If the priority is unused, you'll receive the following prompt:

    • If the Priority is currently associated with one or more tasks, you'll receive a prompt indicating the number of tasks with that Priority and asking you to give those tasks a new Priority.

    • If editing, the Priority edit side sheet will open. Make any changes, and when finished, click Save in the top right corner.

Reordering Priorities

You can reorder your priorities, which will impact how they appear in drop-down lists.

To reorder, click the two horizontal lines icon and drag the Priority where you want it to appear in the listing.

The Tasks Module is only available with the Element Ignite and Engage packages.

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