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Creating Tasks - Manually

How to create tasks manually.

Michael Stephenson avatar
Written by Michael Stephenson
Updated over 3 weeks ago


The Tasks module in Element451 allows you to create both Internal and Contact Tasks using the same intuitive process. This guide will walk you through the steps of manually creating tasks and highlight the differences between Internal and Contact Tasks.

If you want to trigger the creation of Tasks automatically based on an action someone takes, visit our article Creating Tasks - Automatically via Workflow.

Accessing the Task Creation Form

  1. Navigate to Contacts > Tasks to access the Tasks module.

  2. Click the "+ Create Task" button.

By default, the form is set up to create internal tasks. However, the form will dynamically update based on your selection.

Task Creation Process

Step 1: Name the Task

  • Task Name: Enter a clear and descriptive name for your task. This field is displayed as "Untitled Task" by default and should be changed to represent the task's purpose accurately.

Step 2: Choose a Template (Optional)

  • Create from Template: Select a pre-defined task template if desired. This can help streamline the task creation process by pre-filling specific fields.

Step 3: Assign the Task

  • Assigned to: Choose who the task is assigned to. This field determines whether you're creating an Internal or Contact Task.

    • Internal Users: Creates an Internal Task

      • Supports single or multiple selections (individuals or teams, not a combination).

    • Contacts: Creates a Contact Task

      • Only supports the selection of one contact.

Step 4: Fill Out the Task Details

  • Shared Fields (Both Internal and Contact Tasks)

    • Due Date: Set the date the task is due.

    • Due Time: Set the time the task is due (optional).

    • Type: Select the task type*

    • Status: Set the task's current status*

    • Priority: Set the task priority*

    • Description: Add details about the task.

    *Options will vary based on Internal or Contact Task

  • Internal Task-Specific Fields

    • Related to: Link the task to a specific contact

  • Contact Task-Specific Fields

    • Display task in StudentHub: Toggle to show/hide the task in the StudentHub

    • Contact can mark task complete: Toggle to allow/disallow the contact to mark the task as complete in their StudentHub

Step 5: Add Subtasks (Optional)

Both Internal and Contact Tasks support the addition of subtasks. Click the "Add Subtask" button to create related tasks under the main task.

Step 6: Add Subscribers (Optional)

Both Internal and Contact Tasks allow you to add subscribers. These are internal users who will receive updates about the task.

Step 7: Save the Task

Once you've completed all necessary fields, click the "Save" button to create and assign the task.

The Tasks Module is only available with the Element Ignite and Engage packages.

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