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Getting Started with Tasks
Getting Started with Tasks

Introduction to the Tasks Module

Michael Stephenson avatar
Written by Michael Stephenson
Updated over a week ago


The Tasks module is a key component of Element451, designed to enhance your recruitment process. This module offers a comprehensive way to track and manage digital and real-world recruitment activities.

Task Permissions

  • View Tasks - The user can view tasks but can't create, edit, or delete them. They can subscribe or unsubscribe from tasks.

  • Tasks User - The user can create, edit, and delete tasks. Additionally, they have the option to subscribe or unsubscribe from tasks.

What Can Tasks Do?

Tasks is your tool for recording and organizing various recruitment-related activities, including offline ones. This functionality is crucial for maintaining a comprehensive view of your recruitment efforts.

  • Task Assignment: Managers can delegate tasks to team members, ensuring everyone is aligned and focused.

  • Print Marketing Documentation: Use Tasks to track offline marketing efforts such as letters, postcards, and view books.

  • Admissions Interview Records: Log details of admissions interviews, including dates, times, and notes.

  • Phone Conversation Logs: Record details of both inbound and outbound phone calls.


  • Custom Statuses: In addition to basic complete or incomplete statuses, you can create custom statuses to reflect your specific workflow needs.

  • Priorities: Define custom priority levels to categorize tasks according to their importance or urgency.

  • Queues: Create dynamic to-do lists based on specific conditions, which will help you organize and prioritize tasks more effectively.

  • Sub-Tasks: Break down complex tasks into smaller, related sub-tasks for better management and tracking.

  • Multiple Assignees: Assign tasks to more than one person for collaborative efforts.

  • Subscribers: Internal users can stay informed about relevant tasks, even if they are not directly assigned.

  • Task Mode: A feature allowing you to view a list of tasks for the day, helping you navigate your workload efficiently.

  • Task Due <24 Hours Notification: Receive immediate email notifications whenever tasks assigned to you are created with or updated to have a due date within the next 24 hours, ensuring timely alerts about time-critical tasks.

Accessing Tasks

To access Tasks, navigate to Contacts > Tasks.

Tasks Overview Screen + Management of Tasks

The Tasks Overview Screen is the main viewing area of the Tasks Module and where your comprehensive Task List lives. This is where you can:

  • View all Tasks assigned to you or your team

  • Manage your Tasks (edit, delete, duplicate)

  • Add a subscriber or note to a Task

  • Make bulk actions to multiple Tasks at once

  • Apply quick and advanced filters to your Task list

  • Search for Tasks

Creating a Task

Tasks can be created manually or automatically using a Workflow.

Task Properties: Statues, Priorities, and Queues

Before you start using Tasks, we recommend reviewing your Tasks Settings, where you can configure custom properties- statuses, priorities, and queues.

Task Templates

Task Templates streamline your workflow by allowing you to apply predefined settings to new tasks quickly. Whether you're manually adding a task or automating task creation through Rules + Workflows, these templates ensure consistency and save time. Not just limited to main tasks, Task Templates also support subtask templates, maintaining structure even in complex projects.

Task Mode

Task Mode is an innovative feature in Element451 designed to streamline task management and enhance productivity. With Task Mode, you can keep your most urgent tasks in sight, no matter where you are in your Instance.

Task Notifications

Element451 is designed to keep internal users efficiently informed about their tasks without overwhelming them with notifications.

Task Subscribers

Once a task has been created, you have the ability to add a Task Subscriber. Task Subscribers are other internal users who want or need updates on specific tasks but are not directly responsible for their completion.

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