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Task Management

Navigating the Task Overview Screen + Editing, Deleting, Searching, and Filtering Tasks

Michael Stephenson avatar
Written by Michael Stephenson
Updated over 4 months ago


The Task Overview Screen, or your Task List, is designed to streamline your workflow and keep you updated on all tasks at a glance.

  • Displays All Tasks: The Task Overview Screen shows all Internal and Contact tasks. It displays tasks assigned to you or your team, providing a comprehensive overview of what's pending, in progress, or completed, with a task count at the top.

  • Dynamic Updates: As you apply filters, the list updates to meet your specified criteria. This feature helps you focus on tasks that are most relevant at the moment.

Key Features

  • Quick Updates from the Task Row: Without leaving the screen, you can update task statuses and key details directly from each task row.

  • Use Filters for Customized Views: Apply filters to sort tasks by due date, priority, assignee, and more. This helps prioritize and organize your workload.

  • Bulk Edits for Efficient Management: Select multiple tasks and make bulk edits – an efficient way to handle task updates without needing individual edits.

  • Preset Filters: By default, upon accessing the Tasks Module, you land on the Internal Tasks preset filter. You can use the left-hand menu to change the filter (including switching to Contact Task view).

Accessing the Task Overview Screen

To access the Tasks Overview Screen, navigate to Contacts > Tasks.

Task Overview Screen Components


View total counts for total tasks, overdue tasks, tasks due today, and upcoming tasks. The counts are dynamic and updated as you add filters.

Task List

Below the total counts is a list of all tasks and updates as filters are added. You can update tasks directly from the task row in the list, perform bulk edits, and more.

The default view for the task list is All Internal Tasks.

Quick Filters

Organized by Internal Tasks (individual and team) and Contact Tasks, the left-hand side preconfigured filters allow you to refine the task list quickly with a single click.

These filters are defined in a separate section later in this article.


Below the quick filters are Queues. Queues are divided into two tabs/lists—All Queues and My Queues.

My Queues displays queues where at least one task is assigned to you. Learn more about Queues here.

Managing Tasks

For Internal Tasks, the task side sheet features a "view profile" link for the "related to" contact, allowing you to open and view their profile quickly.

Editing a Task

  • Option 1: Click on the task field on a Task's row to revise them. For example, you can click on the circle to quickly change the status.

  • Option 2: Click on the Task name to open its edit sidesheet.

  • Option 3: Click the more icon, then click Open or Edit.

Adding a Note or Subscriber to a Task

When editing a Task, you also have the option to add a Note or Subscriber to that specific Task. Learn more about adding Notes and Subscribers to Tasks.

Duplicating a Task

  • Click the more icon, then click Duplicate.

Deleting a Task

  • Click the more icon, then click Delete.

Bulk Actions

Use the checkboxes to make bulk edits: delete or change status, priority, type, or assignee.

Filtering Tasks

Quick Filters

On the left sidebar, there are pre-filtered lists to give you one-click access to:


Filtered Results

All Internal Tasks

All Internal Tasks for all internal users

Your Todos

All Internal Tasks assigned to you with the to-do status

Your Tasks

All Internal Tasks assigned to you

Created by You

All Internal Tasks created by you

Your Teams Todos

All Internal Tasks assigned to the Teams of which you are a member with the to-do status

Your Teams Todos

All Internal Tasks assigned to the Teams of which you are a member

All Contact Tasks

All Contact Tasks for all contacts

Subscribed Contact Tasks

All Contact Tasks to which you are subscribed

Advanced Filters

The Tasks module offers a range of advanced filtering options to help you efficiently navigate and manage your Tasks. Use the filter icon to open the advanced filtering. Here’s how you can use these options:

  • Type: Filter tasks by either internal or contact.

  • Assigned to: Filter Tasks based on the person or team they are assigned to.

  • Subscribers: View Tasks that have specific subscribers.

  • Related to: Identify Tasks linked to specific external users.

  • Created by: View Tasks created by specific individuals, enabling you to follow up on Tasks initiated by you or your colleagues.

  • Status: Filter Tasks by their current status, such as 'In Progress,' 'Completed,' or custom statuses, to get a clear picture of ongoing efforts.

  • Priority: Prioritize your workload by filtering Tasks based on their urgency, such as 'High,' 'Medium,' or 'Low' priority.

  • Type: Filter Tasks by type for a more organized view, whether they’re administrative, outreach, or any other category.

  • Due: Utilize time-based filters 'Today,' 'Upcoming,' or 'Overdue' to focus on tasks requiring immediate attention or to plan.

  • Due Date: Select tasks with specific due dates to align your daily agenda.

  • Due Date Range: Plan for the short- or long-term by filtering tasks within a set date range, helping you stay on track with your deadlines.

Searching Tasks

On the Tasks Overview screen, use the magnifying glass icon to search for a specific task.

Remember, your text-based search will return results after searching task names, Element451 users, and people. So searching "" would return results that include a task name that contains "," people with email addresses containing "," and Element451 users with an email address containing ""

The Tasks Module is only available with the Element Ignite and Engage packages.

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