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Importing Application Data

Use this guide to make sure you import applications seamlessly.

Megan Butts avatar
Written by Megan Butts
Updated over a week ago


If you have third party tools collecting applications that you want brought into Element451, there will be a specific set of fields you will need map on your import to make it look like the student applied directly in Element451. This article will be extremely useful if you are importing applications and want them in the Decisions feature.

Need help creating an import task? Start with out Creating Imports and then come back to this article make sure you aren't missing any fields.

Fields to Map in the Import Task

When importing applications, you can map as many fields as you want, but there are a few required fields to make sure these applications display correctly on the student profile and in the Decisions feature.

The following fields are required:

  • Milestones

    • Application Start Date (user-milestones-application-start-date)

    • Application Submit Date (user-milestones-application-submit-date)

    • Application Start Term (user-milestones-application-start-term)

    • Application Submit Term (user-milestones-application-submit-term)

    • Application Start Major (user-milestones-application-start-major)

    • Application Submit Major (user-milestones-application-submit-major)

  • Application Major (user-applications-major)

  • Application Term (user-applications-term)

  • Application Submitted Time (user-applications-submitted-time)

  • Application Status (user-applications-status)

    • Status can be "submitted", "started", "completed"

Note: You will notice that you may have one column for major in your file, but need to map it into several milestone and application fields. This is where calculated columns will come in handy, especially DS_MAP. Learn more information on Calculated Fields.

Note: Most files you import won't have a column for the status field, but you can add a calculated column for it. If all students coming in have submitted the application, you can simply put "submitted" (all lowercase and with double quotes) into the formula screen. More information on calculated columns can be found on Calculated Fields.

There are other fields we commonly see come in with applications as well:

  • Application Campus (user-applications-campus)

  • Application Degree (user-applications-degree)

  • Application Student Type (user-applications-student-type)

Scoping Fields

When mapping the fields mentioned above, scopes will need to be set up for all application fields. If you click the more button and Settings this is where we map the application fields to a specific application in Element451.

For example, if you are importing graduate applications, you would select your graduate application you created in Element451. In addition to selecting an application, you will need to set up the transformations. More information on mapping fields on import can be found our Column Setting Options for Imports.

Move the Imported Applications to Decisions

If these applications have a submitted status and you want to see them in the Decisions feature there will be a few extra steps that need to be take prior to running the import task.

First, you will want to create a label and add it to your import so everyone from the import gets a label added to their profile. It can be named something like "Imported App to Decisions" or get specific and say "Common App Application". When creating the label, you will want to copy the taxonomy code for it, add a calculated column to your import and put the taxonomy in the formula field between double quotes, similar to the Application Status set up.

Next, create a segment that looks for profiles with that newly created label and save it.

Last, create a rule where the step uses the Register Application in Decisions action and select the application name. Your trigger will be Joined Segment with the newly created segment. Set it active and you are good to run your application import!

Importing Records with Multiple Applications

If you are working on a historic import where a student has multiple applications you have two options to import.

Option 1: Generate separate files to split up the applications. For example, if John Smith has 3 applications, there will be one application for John Smith on three files.

Option 2: Use star mappings. An example of columns you would be Application 1 Major, Application 2 Major, Application 3 Major. You would map all three of these columns to user-applications-major-* and under the scope settings of each field you would indicate the position it is going into: Application 1 Major scopes to position 1.

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