In the Application Settings section of Element451, you can customize some key functionality within the module. This overview introduces the key areas you can configure:
Default Autoresponder Messages: Automated responses to maintain timely communication with applicants.
Discount Codes: Set up and manage discount codes.
Deposits: Set up and manage enrollment deposit requirements.
Submission Prevention Rules: Establish and manage condition-based rules to prevent application submissions.
Each of these areas will be outlined in detail below, ensuring you have the information needed to effectively manage and streamline your application process, enhancing the experience for both your team and your applicants.
Autoresponder messages, sent via email, SMS, or both, are crucial in maintaining clear communication with applicants throughout their application journey.
In Application Settings, you can tailor the default autoresponder settings and content to your liking. You also have the option to fine-tune these settings individually by Application (except for information requests, which can be fine-tuned by the request type). Keep in mind that once you customize an autoresponder for a specific application, subsequent changes to the default settings here won't apply to that Application. A clear indicator of customization is the 'edited' tag appended to the autoresponder title, signaling it deviates from the original settings.
When editing the message content section of the email message, you will notice two different options for editing: Legacy and Email Builder. The legacy option is an older editor that we no longer support. We recommend using the Email Builder, which allows you to edit the template using the same technology used in our Campaigns builder. We cover this feature in more detail below.
Editing Autoresponders Using the Email Builder
Editing Autoresponders Using the Email Builder
When editing the message content section of an email message, you will notice two different options for editing: Legacy and Email Builder. The legacy option is an older editor that we no longer support. We recommend using the Email Builder, which allows you to edit the template using the same technology used in our Campaigns builder.
Navigating the Email Builder
We recommend using the full-screen feature to edit your campaign. Click the double-sided arrow icon to enter and exit full-screen mode.
Add Content Blocks + Elements: Click the + sign in the top left corner to open the list of Content Blocks available to add. This allows you to select any of our prebuilt blocks to add and customize.
You can add the following Blocks: Custom Components, Row, Separator, Dividers, Alerts, Header, Bodies, CTA, Lists, Quotes, Signatures, and Footer.
When you add a Row, you have the option to add individual elements such as a Text Block, Image Block, Button Block, HTML Block, Video Block, AI Text Prompt Block, Ruler, and Social. Read more about these elements in our Campaigns article.
Text Editing:
Highlight the text within your message content to access the formatting toolbar.
BoltAI Writing Tools and apply various formatting options to enhance your text.
Email Settings:
Click the gear icon to edit the email background image, adjust transparency, and modify font settings.
Undo and Redo:
Use the undo and redo arrow buttons to easily correct mistakes and refine your email during the editing process.
Copy HTML:
Click the copy button to copy the HTML of your email to your clipboard.
Device Preview:
Use the phone, tablet, and computer icons to preview how your email will render on each device.
Edit and Preview Tabs:
Toggle between the Edit and Preview tabs in the top right corner of the email builder to switch between editing and previewing your email.
Autoresponder List
Autoresponder List
The twelve customizable autoresponders are below broken up by category:
Application Preview: Sent when a student requests a preview of their Application from the Application Dashboard.
Application Submitted: Sent when a student submits their Application.
Application Payments
CC Payment Successfully: Sent when a student's application fee payment is successful.
Deposit CC Payment Successful: Sent when a student's deposit fee payment is successful.
Request Information
Autoresponders for information/document requests can't be tailored for each Application but can be adjusted by Request Type. To edit, go to Applications > Applications > Request Information. New Request Types will inherit the default settings configured here in Application Settings, which you can customize as needed during editing. Explore more on the Request Information feature.
Document Received (to student): Sent to the student when the recommender completes the request.
Document Request with Waiver: Sent to the recommender when the student waives their right to view information sent on their behalf.
Document Request without Waiver: Sent to the recommender when the student does NOT waive their right to view information sent on their behalf.
Registration Portal
Password Reset Request Secondary Email Notification: Sent to the student when requesting to change their password, and multiple email addresses are on file. The message informs the student that the reset link is sent to their primary email address.
User Password Changed: Sent to the student when requesting to change their password to confirm a successful password change.
User Password Reset Request: Sent to the student when requesting to change their password, with a link to reset.
User Profile Changed: Sent to the student after a change was made to their profile from the Application site.
User Registered to Application: This message is sent to the student after creating an account to start an Application. It encourages the student to continue their Application.
You can also enable or disable these messages at any time. For added convenience, a feature allows you to send a preview to yourself. This lets you see exactly what the applicant will receive, ensuring that every communication is perfectly crafted.
To activate/deactivate an autoresponder, use the Active toggle.
To edit an autoresponder, click the three vertical dots, then Edit Message.
To send a preview, click the three vertical dots, then Send Preview Message.
Discount Codes
By utilizing Discount Codes, applicants can remove or discount the application fee before submitting their Application.
To access Discount Codes, you can use the shortcut link here in Application Settings or navigate to your Profile Picture/Avatar > Settings > Discount Codes.
Adding + Managing Discount Codes
To enable Discount Codes:
If you haven't already, add a Discount Code in General Settings.
When creating your discount code, be sure to specify which application(s) or deposit(s) it should work with (if needed).
Enable discounts on the payment section of your application or deposit
To learn more about managing Discount Codes and applying them to deposits and application fees, visit our Discount Codes article.
Element451 allows applicants to pay an application deposit fee. To enable this functionality, you'll need to add a Deposit and then add that Deposit to your Application. We'll outline those two steps below:
You must integrate your payment provider(s) to use Element451's deposit functionality. The Element451 Customer Success team facilitates this process during your implementation phase.
Creating a Deposit
Creating a Deposit
Navigate to Applications > Applications > Application Settings > Deposits.
Click + Add Deposit.
Configure the Deposit settings and information:
Name: Assign a name for internal reference.
Active: This toggle enables this deposit and makes it active. It is enabled by default, but you can disable it after creating the deposit.
Discounts: Turning this toggle on permits discount codes to be used on this payment. Discount codes are configured in General Settings. To learn more about configuring discount codes, visit our Discount Codes article.
Payment Description: Describes the product or service purchased only for internal use.
Credit Card Provider: If you have multiple credit card providers, you will be prompted to select one. Note: Form Payments only work with Element451 preferred payment partners.
Account: You can input an account number or name for internal tracking.
Payment Type: There are four payment types to choose from: fixed, conditional, calculated, and user-defined.
Additional fields will appear to configure the specific settings depending on the Payment Type chosen. You can explore our article, Payment Types, to gain further insight into each type and how to configure them.
If you wish to use payment rules, you will need to select the Conditional payment type.
Payment Dialog Title: Add help text that appears on the modal/dialog box under the "Pay the Fee" title. This space supports adding links, which is great for including your payment/refund policies and more.
When finished, click Create in the top right corner to save your Deposit.
Adding Deposits to an Application
Adding Deposits to an Application
Navigate to Applications > Applications > All Applications.
Click the name of the Application to open the editor.
In the top right corner of the header, click the pencil icon to open the Application settings.
Scroll down to the bottom and look for the Deposit section.
Select an existing Deposit from the dropdown menu or click Add Deposit to add a new Deposit.
When you're finished, click Save in the top right corner.
Submission Prevention Rules
With Submission Prevention Rules, you can prevent users from submitting applications using custom criteria. While users are already prevented from submitting applications if they do not fill out the required fields or have already submitted an application for the same term and major combination, this feature allows further customization of these rules.
For the "Prevent Starting Application" setting to take effect, the user must have an existing record in Element451 and be included in the segment referenced. If they're not part of the segment, they can start the application but won't be able to submit it.
To enable this functionality, you'll need to add your Rule(s) here in Application Settings and then add that Rule to your Application. We'll outline those two steps below:
Creating a Submission Prevention Rule
Creating a Submission Prevention Rule
Navigate to Applications > Applications > Application Settings > Submission Prevention Rules.
Click + Rule.
Configure the Submission Prevention Rule settings and information:
Name: Assign a name for internal reference.
Description: Provide a brief description for internal reference.
Message: Message that will be displayed to the student when this Rule prevents submission.
Prevent Starting Application: Prevent students from beginning an application. Note: Only conditions utilizing user segment reference (using records that exist in your Element451 instance) can be used to prevent starting an application. Application scoped conditions will be ignored.)
Conditional Logic: Add the conditional logic required to prevent the user from submitting an Application.
When you're finished, click Create in the top right corner.
Adding Submission Prevention Rules to an Application
Adding Submission Prevention Rules to an Application
Navigate to Applications > Applications > All Applications.
Click the name of the Application to open the editor.
From the lefthand menu, click Submission Prevention Rules.
Click + Add Submission Prevention Rule.
Select the existing Rule from the 'Select Condition' dropdown menu.
Click Save.
Payment Rules
Applications can use conditional logic to display different payment options for deposits or application fees. This feature is particularly beneficial for institutions that need to show different payment options for different application types. For instance, you could use different payment processors for international applicants compared to domestic ones or charge varying fees for different applicant types.
You can add multiple payment rules for each Application. However, please keep in mind the order of payment rules as the top-most payment rule is weighted to activate first, followed by subsequent rules.
To access Payment Rules, you can use the shortcut link here in Application Settings or navigate to your Profile Picture/Avatar > Settings > Payment Rules.
Creating + Managing Payment Rules
To enable Payment Rules, you need to:
If you haven't already, you need to add a Payment Rule in General Settings.
Enable payment on your application fee or deposit.
Select the Conditional payment type.
Select the Payment Rule.
To learn more about managing Payment Rules and applying them to deposits and application fees, visit our Payment Rules article.
The Applications Module is included with the Element Engage package.