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Event Self Check-In

Learn how to enable and configure event self-check, allowing registrants to check in via email to streamline your event check-in process.

Michael Stephenson avatar
Written by Michael Stephenson
Updated over a week ago


Event self-check-in is a feature that allows event registrants to check themselves in, resulting in a more expedited check-in process and more efficient event management.

Overview Video

How It Works

  1. The event registrant receives an email stating itโ€™s time to check in for the event.

  2. Within the email is a button to click.

  3. The button redirects them to a unique URL where they confirm their check-in.

  4. A confirmation message appears, or they are redirected to a specific URL.

Internal users with the Administer Events permission can enable and configure the self check-in feature.

Enabling Event Self Check-In

Self check-in is configured at the event level. To enable:

  1. Navigate to Engagement > Events > All Events.

  2. Locate the event for which you wish to enable self check-in.

  3. Click on the event name.

  4. Click on the Signups tab.

  5. Click on Self Check-In from the left-hand menu.

  6. Enable the toggle for โ€œSelf Check-In."

  7. Configure the settings:

    • Send: Select whether you want the email to be sent before or after the event start time.

    • Send an Email: Select the time you want the email to be sent based on what you selected above (before or after). For example, if you want the email to be sent 30 minutes before the event starts.

    • Confirmation: Choose what you want to happen upon successful check-in. You can select one of the following:

      • Success Message: Displays text content that includes basic formatting and the ability to hyperlink text.

      • URL Redirect: Automatically redirects the registrant to another webpage.

  8. Depending on your choice, add the message content or the URL.

Settings are saved automatically.

Pro Tips

  • Create a test event and test the self check-in feature.

  • Customize the confirmation message to include additional event details or instructions to make the check-in process even smoother for your registrants. This could include directions, schedule highlights, or other important information.

The Events Module is only available with the Element Engage package.

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