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Release Notes | November 2022
Eric Range avatar
Written by Eric Range
Updated over a week ago

Issued December 6, 2022

Updates, Improvements & Fixes:


  • New: Tokens: We added additional tokens, including date of birth, for use in Request for Information email messages.

  • New: Conditional Logic: To provide greater flexibility, we've added the ability to use conditional logic on Request for Information forms.

  • New: App Status Display Options: You can now show or hide the Application Status chip on the Application site.

  • New: Editable Submitted Status Message: You can now provide a custom message to display when an application is in submitted status. (A previously reported bug has been resolved as of 12/15/2022)

  • Updated: Dashboard Messages: Messages can now include line breaks.

  • Updated: Waiver Label: The Waiver Label for Request for Information is now optional.


  • Fixed: Ellipsis creating links in SMS: When sending an SMS message and including "..." Campaigns was detecting that as a URL and converting it to an Element short link.

  • Fixed: Image Cropping: Fixed a bug where cropping and image overrode other image transformations.


  • New: MMS/SMS File Size: We've updated the validation to prevent attachments larger than 5MB from creating failed message sends.

  • Fixed: Ellipsis creating links in SMS: When sending an SMS message and including "..." Conversations was detecting that as a URL and converting it to an Element short link.

  • Fixed: Recipient Field Disappearing: When creating a new conversation and switching to the SMS channel, in some cases, the "Recipient" field would disappear.


  • Fixed: Window Resizing: When in Reader View and the user resized the window, the name and other information in the header would disappear.

  • Fixed: Package Letters: In some cases, justification and other formatting of package letters were not properly displaying on the Microsite.


  • Updated: Date Range Exclusions: We've updated the date & time exclusion dialog for recurring events to make it clearer.


  • New: Audio/Video Upload: You can now create custom upload fields that accept audio/video file types: .mp4, .mov, .mwv, .avi, .mp3, .acc, .ogg, .wav, .wma, .webm.

  • Updated: Upload Field Type: Some export and display functionality for documents relies on conversion to .pdf. Therefore, we've limited upload fields to the following file types: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .txt, .odt, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif .csv .ppt, .pptx, .svg, .txt,.xls, .xlsx, .html, .bmp.


  • New: Employment Field: Employment fields are now available in Imports.


  • New: Unlimited Readers: Now, any Element451 can be granted permission to Insights at no additional cost.

  • New: Tasks Performance Dashboard: A new suite of reports designed for managers to understand how tasks are completed by their team(s).

People / Bolt Profiles

  • New: Last Attended Date: We've added a new field, "Last Attended Date," in the Education section.

  • Updated: Workflow Details: For better context, we've added time stamps and step display names to the Bolt Profile Workflow side tray.

  • Fixed: Address Updates: We fixed a bug where address changes were not always properly displaying after updating via Bolt Profile.

  • Fixed: College Start & End Dates: On Bolt Profiles, the start and end date fields are now available for data entry from the profile.


  • We conducted our regular security testing required for our updated certifications.

  • Tested new Zoom security update.

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