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Event Landing Page

Learn how items are displayed on the Event Page, including the registration form and payment, and how to preview and share your page.

Ardis Kadiu avatar
Written by Ardis Kadiu
Updated over a month ago


Each event has a dedicated landing page with all essential event details and the signup form (if enabled). The page is assigned a unique URL that can be shared in your event promotion efforts, directing traffic straight to registration.

  • If the event is public, it is automatically added to your Events Site when published.

  • The information displayed on the event page is based on that event's particular settings. To alter the event page content, you will need to edit your event.

Below, we guide you through everything you should know about your event page.

Previewing Your Event Page

You can preview your event page regardless of its status. This is extremely helpful when configuring your event details and other settings. To preview your page:

  1. Navigate to Engagement > Events > All Events.

  2. Click on your Event's name or the pencil icon to open the event editor.

  3. Click on the eye icon in the top right corner of the event metadata header. The event page will open, allowing you to preview it. You can share this preview link with other stakeholders for their review, but please be mindful that anyone (including external visitors) can access the URL even if the event has yet to be published.

  4. However, once the event has been published, you can use this method to copy the event page URL to use in your event promotions.

Anatomy of the Event Page

Click on the headings below to explore each component of the Event Page:

Left Column

  • Event Image

    Your event image is displayed at the top of the left column.

  • Location Card

    If you provide the location of your in-person event, the Location card will display the address and a map using Google Maps.

  • Presenters Card

    If you add presenters to your event, their name, title, and organization will be listed on the Presenters card.

  • Contact Information Card

    If you add a point-of-contact to your event, their name, title, department, and contact details will be listed on the Contact Information card.

Main Column

  • Header Card

    The top of your event page contains general information about the event, including:

    • The event name is displayed prominently at the top.

    • If a single-date event, it will display the date and time of the event.

    • If multiple dates exist for the event, the next upcoming date will be displayed. Additionally, it will display 'Multiple Dates & Times' in place of the event time.

    • The event's street address (if included in the location settings).

    • The number of available spots (if signups are enabled).

    • If signups are enabled, a register button will be displayed that will open the signup form where the person can sign up for the event. If it's an event with multiple occurrences, the form will require the person to select a date/time.

Currently, the gradient in your event page header is set automatically based on your primary and secondary color choices. It is not possible to modify the gradient header at this time.

  • Upcoming Dates/Times

    The list of occurrences appears under the header card, making it easy for people to see the dates and times the event is happening. Please note the following:

    • If only one occurrence is added, only that date/time will appear.

    • If signups are enabled, event dates that have reached registration capacity will be indicated as such, and registration will not be allowed for that date.

    • If your event has many occurrences, only the five happening soonest will be displayed in the list. However, viewing the complete list is accessible using the 'view all' prompt or the ability to filter using a date range.

    • If you have sign-ups enabled, clicking the Register button next to any date in the list will open the sign-up form and, for convenience, automatically populate the date/time they selected.

  • Description

    The event description is provided in the Description card.

  • Register Card

    If sign-ups are enabled, a card will be displayed at the bottom of the event page with the text 'Interested in attending this event?' and a register button.

Event Registration

If you have signups enabled, the Event Page is where your attendees will register for your event. Please note the following:

  • Register buttons appear throughout the event page to drive event registration as long as sign-ups are enabled and registration is set to open.

  • If you have included validation options on any of your fields (a good practice to ensure consistent data), any invalid entries will be highlighted, and an error message will be displayed next to the field so they can be corrected before submission.

  • The signup form can contain up to two sections:

    • Registration Details: Contains the event date/time, guest count, and the fields you configured for your signup form.

    • Payment (if enabled): Collect payment information to pay the event fee.

  • Once all the required fields in the registration details and payment (if applicable) sections of the signup form are filled out, the attendee can click the 'register' button to complete the registration process. After clicking the button, the event page will reload, and a customized thank you note will appear in the header card. Below the thank you note, the user will be able to see buttons that they can click on to perform additional actions:

    • Edit Registration Details

    • Cancel Registration

    • Back to Event Details (closes the thank you message)

Event Registrations are designed to be processed individually. If multiple people want to attend, they must complete the form and payment separately.

Sharing Your Event Page

The Events Site is a valuable platform for exploring and learning about upcoming events at your institution. However, there may be instances where you'd like to share a specific event with your audience. Fortunately, each event has its unique page and URL, making it easy to direct people to the event through a URL or QR code.

Page URL

Each event page has a unique URL to share in your marketing and communications. To find the URL, you have two options:

Option 1: Preview Event Feature

Once your event has been published, you can use the Preview Event feature. This opens your Event Page, allowing you to copy the URL.

  1. Navigate to Engagement > Events > All Events.

  2. Click on your Event's name or the pencil icon to open the event editor.

  3. Click on the eye icon in the top right corner of the event metadata header. The event page will open.

  4. Copy the URL from the address bar of your browser.

Option 2: Events Site

If your event is public and published, you can open the Event Page from your Events Site and copy the URL.

  • Navigate to Engagement > Events > All Events.

  • Click on the eye icon (View Events Site) in the top right corner of the All Events header. Your events Site will open in a new tab.

  • Locate your event and select it. The event page will open.

  • Copy the URL from the address bar of your browser.

QR Code

A QR code is automatically generated for each event you create.

To access an event's QR code, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Engagement > Events > All Events.

  2. Click on your Event's name or the pencil icon to open the event editor.

  3. Click on the QR code icon in the top right corner of the event metadata header. The QR code side sheet will open.

  4. Click Download to save the QR code.

Event Occurrence Visibility on the Event Page

The event page lists the upcoming dates and times (occurrences) for each event. When an occurrence is removed from the event page depends on whether sign-ups/registration are enabled for the event:

  • With Sign-Ups Enabled: The occurrence is removed from the event page at the scheduled start time. This prevents attendees from registering after the event has begun.

  • With Sign-Ups Disabled: The occurrence remains visible on the event page until the scheduled end time. This ensures attendees can view event details or locate the event during its active period.

Best Practice: If you need attendees to access the event page after the start time (e.g., for reference or to view details), ensure sign-ups are disabled. This will allow the occurrence to remain visible until the event ends.

πŸ›‘ You're not done! If you are creating an event, we recommend reviewing one additional article: Event Messaging and Notifications.

The Events Module is only available with the Element Engage package.

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