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Event Series

Organize and showcase related events with the Event Series feature, enhancing visibility and attendee navigation.

Ardis Kadiu avatar
Written by Ardis Kadiu
Updated over a week ago


The Event Series feature lets you group and share related events, such as orientation sessions or speaker series, in a unified collection. You'll find a dedicated series main page that lists all of your Event Series, each with its own page. This guide covers those pages and creating, editing, and removing events from a series.

Event Series Main Page

This page is a component of your Events Site and lists all of your public Event Series.

  • When a public Event Series is created, it will automatically appear on this page.

  • The URL for this page is your Events Site URL with /series added at the end. It should look something like this:

The configurations for this page, which include enabling and customizing the introduction text below the header, are managed in Event Settings.

Add a menu item to your Events Site that directs visitors to your Event Series Page. Explore how to add menu items in our Event Site + Settings article.

Individual Series Page

When you create an event series, a page is automatically created. If the series is public, they will be accessible from the Event Series Main Page and have a unique URL for you to share.

Creating an Event Series

Any event you create in the Events module can be added to a series. So, we recommend creating your individual events before you create your series. You can add events to a series at any point, so if it is easier to create one or two to get started, feel free to do that.

  1. Navigate to Engagement > Events > Event Series.

  2. Click on the plus sign button in the bottom right corner of the page.

  3. Configure the settings for your new series:

    • Event Series Name: Give your series a descriptive name to include on your Event Series Main Page and your Event Series Page.

    • Privacy:

      • Public: Anyone can find it on your Events Site.

      • Private: Only accessible via a link.

    • Description: Enter an informative description for your event series.

  4. When you're finished, click Create Event Series. The event series editor will open.

  5. Click Add Photo in the circle within the header to add a photo for the series.

  6. If you're pleased with the series' configurations, you can now add events. This process is explained in the following section.

Adding, Editing, or Removing Events within a Series

Adding an Event

  1. Navigate to Engagement > Events > Event Series.

  2. Click on either the name of your Event Series or the pencil icon to open the series editor.

  3. Click the Events tab from the left-hand menu.

  4. Click the + Add Event button.

  5. Select which event(s) you want to add to the series.

    • The search and filter features can help you quickly narrow the list.

    • You can select more than one event by holding down shift while clicking the events, holding down control while clicking the events, or holding down command while clicking the events (Mac).

    • The selected events will be highlighted in blue, and a count will be provided in parentheses next to the Add Events button.

  6. Click the Add Events button. The events will be added to the series.

  7. Visit the event series page to preview the event(s).

If all of the events have not yet been created, repeat this process once they have been created to add them to the series.

Editing an Event

  • Option 1: Because a series is a collection of events, you can edit an event from the All Events page (Engagement > Events > All Events) just like any other event.

  • Option 2: You can edit the event from the Event Series editor.

    • Navigate to Engagement > Events > Event Series.

    • Click on either the name of your Event Series or the pencil icon to open the series editor.

    • Click the Events tab from the left-hand menu.

    • Locate the event from the list and click the pencil icon.

Both methods open the same event editor.

Removing an Event

  • Navigate to Engagement > Events > Event Series.

  • Click on either the name of your Event Series or the pencil icon to open the series editor.

  • Click the Events tab from the left-hand menu.

  • Locate the event from the list and click the trash can icon.

This action removes the event from the series but does not delete it.

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