In Settings, Manage Users is your hub for adding, editing, and viewing all internal user accounts. It's also where you adjust permission and visibility settings for groups. This guide will walk you through navigating the Users section of the Manage Users page and provide links to articles about the other sections.
In Element451 documentation, we refer to you and your colleagues as "internal users." To add or manage internal users, you'll need the Administer Internal Users permission.
Before you add internal users, you must understand the functions of permission groups and visibility groups.
Accessing Internal Users
From your profile picture/avatar in the top right corner, navigate to Settings > Manage Users.
Adding an Internal User
Step-by-Step Guide
Step-by-Step Guide
Click the + New User button
in the top right corner. The new user form will open for you to complete.
Select whether you want to add the user manually or by invitation.
Manually: You enter all user details, including name, title, and primary team. You also create a password for the user or allow the system to generate one automatically. Once the user is created, you can copy the password or email it directly to the user.
By Invitation: The user will be emailed a link to fill in their information, including setting their password.
Email Address: Add the user's email address. This is the email address they will use to log into Element451.
Preferred Start Page: Select the user's preferred start page. The preferred start page is the module the user will be automatically redirected to when signing into Element451. Customize it to match their workflow and prioritize the feature that matters most to them. By default, it will be set to the Start page.
If you are manually adding the user, you will also need to provide the following information:
First Name
Last Name
Automatically Generate Password: Select if you want the password automatically generated. If not, you will be required to add a password.
Ask for Password Change at Next Sign-In: This will require the user to change their password upon logging in for the first time.
Permissions Groups: Add the user to your chosen permission group(s).
Visibility Groups: Add the user to your chosen visibility group(s). If no visibility groups are chosen, the user will have complete visibility.
When finished, click Save
in the top right corner.
When you invite the user, an email containing a link will be sent to their email address. They will then be prompted to create a password and enter their name, primary team, and title.
When you manually add a user:
You receive a confirmation notification that the user has been created.
To notify the new user that an account has been created, click the Email Login Info button.
For security reasons, this email does not contain the password. It only contains the URL to the login page of your instance.
Adding Users with SSO
Adding Users with SSO
If you use SSO for internal user authentication, add users following the same process described above. Ensure the email used to create the Element451 account matches the SSO email. If you exclusively use SSO, select “yes” for “Automatically generate password” and “no” for “Ask for password change at next sign-in.” For more information on authentication settings, click here.
Viewing + Editing an Internal User
Step-by-Step Guide
Step-by-Step Guide
Internal user accounts can be easily viewed or edited after they have been created. This will allow you to change their information, password, or permission and visibility groups. Additionally, you can see their milestones, like when they were last seen and any activity made by them performed in Element451.
Click on your profile picture/avatar in the top right corner of the orange navigation menu.
Navigate to Settings > Manage Users. The Users section from the lefthand menu opens by default.
Locate the user you wish to view or edit.
You can either click on their name or click the three vertical dots at the end of the row, followed by the Edit button. Both methods will open the user's overview.
Anatomy of the Overview Screen
The header displays the user's name, title, primary team, and a preview of their permissions.
Profile Tab:
Basic Information: View and edit the user’s name, email, title, primary team, and preferred start page. You also have the option to manually reset the user’s password or send a password reset link.
Milestones: This section details the dates and timestamps for key activities: the last active session in Element451, the most recent modifications to the user’s account, and the account creation date.
Assignments Tab:
The features within the Assignments tab are particularly useful during employee transitions and assignment shifts. It not only displays the total count of assigned records to that user but also gives you the ability to perform two bulk actions pertaining to that user’s assigned records:Reassign All: Reassign all records to a different user or team in a single action. You will be required to type the user’s name or email to confirm the action.
Unassign All: Unassign all records. You will be required to type the user’s name or email to confirm the action.
Groups & Permissions Tab:
Manage the user's permissions here. Check or uncheck boxes to modify group assignments. Learn more about permission groups.
Activity Tab:
Displays a log of activities performed by the user within the system. Filter events using the left-hand menu.
Visibility Groups Tab:
Assign the user to visibility groups to control their access to specific people records. Learn more about visibility groups.
Restrictions Tab:
Here, you can enable specific document visibility restrictions for the user, previously set in permission groups. Learn more about document restrictions.
Deleting + Deactivating Internal Users
In Element451, you can delete or deactivate internal users. We recommend deactivation, especially for users with an activity history. Deactivation retains their records, ensuring you won’t see “[deleted user]” in activity logs. This helps with better record retention and tracking.
Step-by-Step Guide
Step-by-Step Guide
Click on your profile picture/avatar in the top right corner of the orange navigation menu.
Navigate to Settings > Manage Users. The Users section from the lefthand menu opens by default.
Locate the user you wish to manage.
You can either click on their name or click the three vertical dots at the end of the row, followed by the Edit button. Both methods will open the user's overview.
In the header, click the silhouette and gear
From the menu, select whether you want to deactivate or delete the user.
You will be asked to confirm either option.
Changing + Resetting Internal User's Password
If you use the password option for internal authentication, you can change a user’s password or email them a reset link. For more information on authentication settings, click here.
Step-by-Step Guide
Step-by-Step Guide
Click on your profile picture/avatar in the top right corner of the orange navigation menu.
Navigate to Settings > Manage Users. The Users section from the lefthand menu opens by default.
Locate the user you wish to manage.
You can either click on their name or click the three vertical dots at the end of the row, followed by the Edit button. Both methods will open the user's overview.
In the Profile tab (which opens by default), under Basic Information, you'll see two blue buttons:
Change Password: Manually change the user's password.
Send Reset Password Link: Email the user a link to reset their password.
Other Internal User-Related Guides