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Bolt Insights

Unlock data-driven insights with Bolt Insights, an AI-powered feature for querying data directly from Element451 dashboards.

Jamie Boggs avatar
Written by Jamie Boggs
Updated over 6 months ago


Formerly known as Insights Q, Bolt Insights is an AI-powered feature that allows you to interact with your data through natural language queries. Bolt Insights provides deep insights by directly accessing the data models that power our Insights dashboards, offering you a powerful tool to explore information seamlessly.

Accessing Bolt Insights

Bolt Insights can be toggled by clicking the bolt icon in the top right corner of your Element screen. Once the Bolt Insights search bar appears, users can select from various topics to access answers to their data questions.

While Bolt Insights can be accessed from any Element451 screen. You'll need permission to access Insights in order to access Bolt Insights.


Bolt Insights appears as a search bar just below the standard Element menu at the top of the screen. Once a topic is selected via clicking on the topic name to reveal a dropdown menu, the prompt written provides answers directly from the underlying data model.

Topic Details

Users are able to access many of the data fields that are available in Insights dashboards. To view all of the data fields, simply click the three dots on the right side of Bolt Insights and click on "Data Fields." Doing so will reveal a full list of information that is available in that particular topic.

It is important to note that you can only query the topic that is selected from the dropdown list. If you are not getting the expected results from a query, double check to make sure you are searching within the correct topic.


Bolt Insights is based on an underlying natural language processor. To query the data, users should ask questions using everyday words and phrases, without any special syntax or format. Since the queries are based on keywords, it is most efficient to use terms found in the list of data fields, but the processor does have the ability to understand the meaning and intent of human language and provide relevant and accurate answers.

Supported Prompts

Prompt Type


Dimensional Group Bys

Conversations by Territory.

Dimensional Filters (Include)

Admits by web type sources.

Date Group Bys

What is the weekly email click-through rate trend.

KPI-Based Period over Periods (PoPs)

What is the app submit difference WoW?

Relative Date Filters

Show me registration trends for the last 12 weeks.

Date Aggregation

Show me campaign sends by quarter.

Time Range Filters

How many tasks have been completed since Jan 2020?

Top/Bottom Filter

Top 10 sources.

Period to Date (PtD) and Period over Period (PoP)

Growth % in prospects YTD vs last year.

Non-KPI-Based Table Calculations

Territory with largest app submits WoW growth %.

Sort Order

Events with most registrations last week.

Aggregate Metrics Filter

Conversations with more than 5 total messages last month.

List Questions

Show me all staff that have completed a decision yesterday.

OR filters

Show me conversations that are open OR older than 3 months.

Percent of Total

What is % of total attendance by event type last year?

Where Questions

Where did we have the most session last week?

When Questions

when did we have the most app sources?

Who Questions

Who had the most tasks last month?

Exclude Questions

Show me sessions last week excluding anonymous users.

Example Prompts

Here are some more example prompt to try:

  • How many students from each state applied to our university in the past five years?

  • How many applications did we receive this year compared to last year?

  • Which email campaigns have the highest open rate?

  • Which team member has completed the most tasks on time?

  • What event for 2023 had the most registrations?

Get Started Prompting

Now that we know how Bolt Insights works, we can start prompting! Follow these tips to get the best results:

  • Select the right topic πŸ“– Look through the available Topics and determine which one will best address your questions.

  • Look at the available data fields πŸ”Ž Open the Topic details and review the "Data Fields" tab. This will show you the dimensions and metrics available in the topic so you can best shape your question.

  • Anticipate the visual πŸ“Š Q will respond in the form of a visual, not a description or paragraph. Think about what graph or chart will be returned as your craft your prompt.

  • Select different fields ➑️ After submitting your prompt, Q will underline the words that correlate to Topic fields. Hover over the highlighted words to see what Q selected. If Q got the wrong field, try selecting another one.

  • Iterate πŸ”„ If your first prompt doesn't work, try and try again! Q might not return what you were expecting, so try reframing your prompt until you get the right answer.

  • Review πŸ‘πŸ‘Ž If Q isn't picking up what you're putting down, give the response a review with the thumbs up/down buttons in the bottom right of the interface. Bonus points if you provide additional written feedback.


Bolt Insights topics are based on data models created for Insights dashboards. Users can select the topic they wish to explore on the left side of the bar.


The Campaigns topic analyzes the performance of both email and SMS campaigns. Explore performance metrics by campaign name, segment name, and tags.


All metrics are calculated based on "sent date." All metrics other than sent reflect the date the communication was originally sent, not the date of the metric (open, delivery, click, etc.).




A communication is sent to an individual, but not necessarily delivered.


The communication is delivered to the email or SMS inbox of the intended individual.


The communication is opened by the user.


The communication is clicked the view the content within the communication.


A link within the communication is clicked to a desired URL.


A communication is sent, but not delivered.


A communication is opened and the user chose to unsubscribe for future communications.


The Conversations topic analyzes the performance of all Conversations metrics. Explore performance metrics by date, segment, and various student dimensions.





Total conversations that have been opened.

Conversations closed

Conversations that have been officially closed within the conversations module.

Messages sent

The number of messages in all conversations from an internal user.

Messages received

The number of messages in all conversations from an external user.

Average messages per conversation

Average number of all messages (internal and external) sent in conversations.

Average response time

The time from an initial outbound messages to be responded to by an internal user, in hours.

Average duration

The number of takes it takes for a conversation to go from opened to closed.


The Events topic analyzes the performance of events created in Element451. Explore performance metrics by event name, event type, and a variety of student dimensions.





A student is marked as attended for an event in your Element451 instance.

Attendance Rate

The number of students attended over the total number of registrations for the event.


A student is marked as cancelled for an event in your Element451 instance.


If a student is not marked as attended or cancelled for an event that has taken place, they are considered a no-show.


A student who has registered for an event.


The Funnel Dashboard logs students' paths through your enrollment funnel over time. Explore funnel stages by their point-in-time performance, and compare funnel stages by a variety of dimensions.


Funnel Stage



Created Date


Date of Inquiry

Application Starts

Application Start Date

Application Completions

Application Complete Date

Application Submissions

Application Submit Date

Withdrawal Applicants

Withdrawal Date


Admitted Date

Admitted Conditionals

Conditional Admitted Date

Withdrawal Admits

Withdrawal Date


Deny Date


Deposited Date

Withdrawal Deposits

Withdrawal Date


Enrolled Date


The Management topic provides insight into the Element451 usage by campus staff members in the tasks, notes, conversations, and decisions areas of the product.




Completion Percentage (Tasks)

sum(Tasks Completed) / sum(Tasks Assigned)

Completion On-Time Percentage (Tasks)

sum(Tasks Completed) / sum(Tasks Assigned) when Completion Date <= Due Date

Average Response Time (Conversations)

avg(hours between first and second message in a conversation)

Average Time to Close (Conversations)

avg(days between first and last message in a conversation)


The Sources topic analyzes the sources added to people profile's in Element451. Explore funnel counts, conversions, and student dimensions by source type, name, and segment.




Inquiry Rate

sum(Prospects) / sum(Suspects)

Application Submission Rate

sum(Application Submits) / sum(Prospects)

Admit Rate

sum(Admits) / sum(Application Submits)

Deposit Rate

sum(Deposits) / ( sum (Admits) + sum(Admit Conditionals) )

Yield Rate

sum(Enrolled) / ( sum(Admits) + sum(Admit Conditionals) )

Web Activities

The Web Activities topic provides valuable insights into how visitors interact with your website content. By tracking visitor behavior, acquisition sources, and demographic information, you can gain a better understanding of your audience and make data-driven decisions to improve your website.


A list of the Dimensions unique to the Web Activities dashboard.




The web browser used by the student to browse your website. Common examples include "chrome", "safair", "firefox".

Entrance URL

The URL of the web page the Session began on.

Full URL + UTM

The URL of a web page, with any query parameters appended to the end. Query parameters are data items appended to the end of a URL with the "?". UTMs are common query parameters.

Full URL

The URL of a web page.


The hostname of a web page. The hostname is the domain, top level domain and subdomain at which the web page is located.


This is a feature flag column, indicating if the website user can be identified to a student record.

Operating System

The operating system of the device the student used to browse your website.

Page Path

The folder directory and page file "path" that the web page is found at.

Page Title

The metadata title of the web page.

Referrer Segment

Groupings that label frequent referrers. Learn more.


The full URL of the website that the user visited prior to visiting your website.


A list of the metrics present in the report and how they are calculated.



Anonymous Session

A Session completed by a user that was not linked to an Element451 student record. See "Session"

Link Clicks Per Page

The number of clicks on a page per pageview.

Pages per Session

The number of pages viewed during one session.


Counted when a user loads a website page.


A collection of activities that occur within 30 minutes of each other. The session expires after 30 minutes of inactivity.

Session Duration

The time between the start of the session and the end of the session in minutes.

Session Duration After Conversion

The time between the conversion and the end of the session in minutes.

Sessions per User

The number of sessions a user has logged during the period.

Time to Conversion

The time between the start of the session and the conversion in minutes.

Time to Last Link Click

The time between the pageview and the last link click on the page in minutes.

Time on Page

The time between the pageview and the next pageview, capped at 30 minutes.

Troubleshooting & FAQ


Why is there no data?

There are a variety of reasons an Insights report is blank. Try the following quick fixes:

  1. Reset the report. Visualizations may be filtering the report. Check the date controls. If the date is too far in the past, it may pre-date your activity in Element451.

  2. Check what fields are being used. For example, if your institution is not adding dates to the sources, some counts may not appear correctly.

  3. Check field names. If you are not finding answers to your queries, check the data fields to ensure that what you are looking for is available in that particular topic.

  4. If data is still missing, there may be issues with your data in Element. Check out this guide for data cleanup.

Bolt Insights is only available with the Element Engage package.

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