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End of Year Bundle Release | December 2023
End of Year Bundle Release | December 2023

Conversation Enhancements, Campaign Visibility, HTML/Video Blocks, Hold Data Objects, and Settings Bolt UI

Michael Stephenson avatar
Written by Michael Stephenson
Updated over a week ago

Release Notes

Issued: 12/19/2023

Release: 12/20/2023

Conversation Enhancements

Overview: Our latest update to the Conversations Module brings powerful new features to enhance your communication and efficiency.


  • User Profile Creation: Directly create new user profiles for prospective (unknown visitors) contacts in the Profile tab of the conversation.

  • Conversation Filtering: Filter your conversations to show threads where students were the last to respond.

  • Inbound Message Translation: Option to instantly translate inbound messages for better understanding and engagement.

Benefit: These enhancements empower you to manage conversations more effectively. Creating profiles from open conversations saves time and builds a more comprehensive student database. The new filtering option ensures you never miss a student's last word, helping prioritize follow-ups. Finally, the inbound message translation feature bridges communication gaps, fostering more inclusive and accessible interactions with your diverse student population.

Campaign Visibility

Overview: The Campaign Visibility setting gives campaign administrators more control over which campaigns internal users can see.


  • Fine-Grained Control:

    • Permission Groups: Control access/visibility of campaigns by permission group

    • Tag-based System: Simplifies the configuration of permission by using tags

Benefit: The Campaign Visibility feature enhances operational efficiency and security by enabling administrators to control who sees which campaigns. This tag-based, permission-focused approach ensures that the right people have access to the correct information, streamlines workflows, and safeguards campaigns.

HTML/Video Block

Overview: Advanced content options have been added to the Campaign Editor, allowing you to add your own HTML code and making video integration a more seamless and visual experience.


  • HTML Block: Insert HTML code into your campaigns to expand your options for email design

  • Video Block: Embed videos in your campaigns in a more seamless and visually engaging way

Benefit: These advanced content options elevate Element451's email campaigns by enabling greater design flexibility and enhanced visual appeal, ensuring a continued cutting-edge and user-friendly experience.

Holds Data Object

Overview: This update introduces a dedicated data object for student administrative hold data.


  • Import/Export Functionality: Easily manage hold data

  • 3 New System Data Sources: Hold Status, Hold Type, and Hold Subtype

  • Segment Integration: Enhances targeting and communication strategies

  • New Profile Card: Provides a view of hold information on a student's profile

  • Read-Only: Enables you to view hold data without affecting your current hold management process/system

Benefit: Integrating your hold data with Element451 enhances student engagement, success, and persistence by enabling personalized and timely communication, allowing for proactive intervention to resolve issues swiftly, and streamlining administrative processes.

Settings UI

Overview: The General Settings page (Profile Picture > Settings > General) is the latest page within your instance to receive the Bolt UI upgrade.


  • Bolt UI Upgrade: The design and layout of these pages were updated to be consistent with other modules already utilizing Bolt UI, such as Tasks and People.

Benefit: This update marks a significant improvement in speed and performance for the settings page. It also creates the foundation for further consolidation of settings spread throughout various areas of Element451. Throughout early 2024, we'll continue to co-locate these settings into this easy-to-use updated format.

The Bolt UI design system standardizes everything in Element, from menu navigation to user interface components and icons to overall page structure. Bolt UI consolidates Element451’s interface design into a consistent experience with maximum flexibility and customizability. To read more about Bolt UI, click here.

Coming Soon - Early 2024

Task Templates

Overview: With the addition of Task Templates, you can manage your repeat and complex tasks with more structure and efficiency.


  • Templates: Streamline complex business processes by allowing the creation of customizable, multi-step tasks

  • Subtasks via Workflows: Allow for the creation of more complex task groups, or "cases," with related subtasks

Benefit: Enhancing our Tasks module with templates will ensure efficient and consistent task management tailored to diverse operational needs.

In January, we'll launch a significant update to Copilot weaving the power of artificial intelligence throughout your Element451 experience.

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