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🗓️ Release Notes | March 2024

Improvements, updates, and bug fixes for the month of March 2024.

Michael Stephenson avatar
Written by Michael Stephenson
Updated over a month ago

Monthly Release Notes: March 2024

This article keeps you in the loop with all the latest developments from Element451. Every month, we spotlight everything from bug fixes and subtle improvements to exciting new features and significant enhancements.

To explore individual and other months, visit our Release Notes collection. Also, don’t forget to take a look at our Planned Releases to get a glimpse into the future.

Fixes and Improvements


  • Fixed: Sometimes, the previously created rules would not be visible after creating a new payment rule.

  • Updated: Added validation to check that all phone fields in Applications verify that US numbers are ten digits.

  • Fixed: Previewing conditional logic on Supplemental Forms did not work as expected.

  • Fixed: When using the application:login_url token, prospects could not authenticate and pass the registration form.

  • Fixed: Several updates were made to enhance mobile responsiveness when creating an account and completing an application.

  • Fixed: Updated text formatting to meet ADA compliance.


  • Fixed: When editing an Appointment from the side sheet, the name value was not populating.

  • Fixed: Sometimes, when a page containing a Bolt table was opened, a table that was wider than the screen size could not be scrolled horizontally.

  • Fixed: Periodically, after selecting a user to meet with and the meeting type, the user would change when choosing a date and time.

  • Updated: Google should recognize the .ics attachment in Appointment notification emails to auto-add to your calendar.

  • Updated: We now sort the people cards alphabetically by last name on the Appointment Booking Site.

  • Updated: When an appointment is canceled, we now include an updated .ics attachment to indicate the cancellation.

  • Fixed: At times, availability was ignored, allowing appointments to be booked during blocked times.


  • Updated: BoltBot will attempt to capture the name and email address of an unknown external participant when handing off a conversation.

  • Fixed: Adjusted BoltBot's inquiry flow skill to only apply to prospective students.

  • Fixed: When attempting to register for an event, BoltBot allowed users to sign up even when the event was closed for registration.

  • New: The 'Brand Writing Style' settings empower you to tailor your Copilot-generated content tone, voice, and structure, ensuring it perfectly aligns with your brand's unique personality and communication goals.


  • Fixed: The unsubscribe page was not adjusting to the device screen size.

  • Fixed: There were instances when changes were not saved when attempting to embed a video using a URL in a Campaign.

  • Fixed: The link would not display blue when hyperlinking text within a bulleted list.

  • Fixed: Changing the timeframe dropdown on a Campaign to view analytics did not update the selected value; it was stuck on All-Time.


  • Updated: Added the ability to delete a phone number from the Profile tab within a Conversation.

  • Fixed: When the first message matched the inbound intent condition, subsequent inbound messages triggered the rule to run again.

  • Updated: Improved assignment notifications to include additional information when the Contact is known.

  • Fixed: Notifications were inconsistent when a handoff rule assigned a conversation to a user.

  • Fixed: When attempting to update settings for Live Chat, BoltBot, or Phone in Conversation Settings, an error occurred.

  • Updated: Added logic for when Conversations are sent to records without a primary address to send to the school email address (if available).

  • Updated: When initiating an email conversation with someone who has previously experienced a hard bounce, you will receive a message stating that there may be an issue with the email address.


  • Fixed: Transformations were unavailable in the dropdown using the user-calculated-forms-submitted field in an import/export.

  • Fixed: Unable to view logs in Imports/Exports.

  • Fixed: When scoping a Milestone field, the preview was blank.

  • Fixed: The preview displayed the taxonomy instead of the actual name while exporting labels.

  • Updated: The values for [SYS] Country List (ISO 3166) were updated based on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3166.

  • Fixed: When using the Athletic (All Properties) filter, the Recruit Status property is now a dropdown instead of text input.

  • Updated: Added a new system field, user:how-did-you-about-us.

  • Updated: Support was added for the OAT, MCAT, and DAT tests.


  • Fixed: Team names were missing from assignment notifications and updates on the Decision Timeline.

  • Fixed: There were issues with rendering yes/no answers and headings with numbers while downloading supplemental forms from the Document tab in the decision.


  • Fixed: The number of duplicates in the list did not match the count displayed for some users.

  • Updated: When merging records, the Assignee can be selected.


  • Updated: When creating multiple event dates for an event where signups have been disabled, the event did not display the upcoming events on the event site.

  • Fixed: When an event attendee canceled their registration, the date field in the email notification was left blank.

  • Fixed: When attempting to sign in to the Events site and requesting a magic link, a 404 error was displayed.

  • Fixed: When attempting to view an event page with no date assigned, sometimes the images and text were not displayed.

  • Fixed: Admin notifications were sent before the system checked the event capacity.

  • Updated: We now display an error message when Zoom's daily integration limit has been met.

  • Updated: When adding attendee data from the Attendees tab, there is now a date range selector to narrow the list of date occurrences.

  • Fixed: In some cases, the event's time zone did not reflect the default set in General Settings.

  • Updated: The "Number of People" count at the top of the Attendees tab now displays the total count (attendee + guest) and breaks down attendee and guest counts underneath.

  • Fixed: Pagination was not available when the list of attendees extended beyond a single page.

  • Updated: Removed the waitlisted status and renamed the slot expired status to canceled - no payment in attendee filters.

  • Fixed: When clicking on event URLs within the "Add Events to Series" modal, the selected event opens in the same browser window behind the modal, taking the user away from the series page without any clear indication that the event was successfully added to the series.

  • Fixed: When using filters on an event's attendee listing, the 'did not attend' status fetched incorrect results.

  • Updated: For events without sign-ups enabled, the microsite button label, 'More Info & Registration,' was updated to 'More Info.'

Import + Export

  • Fixed: Some instances were unable to view import/export logs.

  • Updated: Added the graduate milestone scope to the user-milestones-term field.

  • Fixed: Adding a scope to the Milestone field gave a blank preview.

  • Updated: Added the ability to map relationships for organizations.

  • Fixed: When exporting data, transformations were not behaving as expected.

  • Fixed: Sorting columns in the list of all imports or exports did not behave as expected.

  • Fixed: The field did not accept multiple email addresses when sending an export download file to an email address.

  • Updated: You can now select the mapping field slug text to copy/paste.

  • Fixed: The data was not exported when using star mapping for repeating application rows.

  • Fixed: When attempting to export data, the UI sometimes incorrectly stated that the scope was missing.

  • Fixed: In some cases, mapping employment fields multiple times would fail.

  • Fixed: In some cases, tags failed to save after exporting documents successfully.

  • Fixed: The document export failed when the document tag was null.

  • Updated: Calculated fields are now highlighted in yellow for quick identification.

  • Fixed: The toggle "Import first row in file (Header column)" was inverted.


  • Updated: For events without sign-ups enabled, the microsite button label, 'More Info & Registration,' was updated to 'More Info.'


  • Updated: [organization-elementid] evaluated a value in the Workflow Formula when no organization relationship existed.

  • Updated: Forms and Applications within Packs now contain the user-sms-updates field to align with SMS best practices.


  • Fixed: Adjusted how we transform links on Pages to ensure successful redirects.


  • Fixed: An error would occur if the name contained special characters when importing family member data.

  • Fixed: When segmenting users based on note type, records that had deleted notes of the same type would still be included in the query.

  • Updated: A new Hard Bounce SMS milestone filter was added.

  • Fixed: Segmenting custom fields with a numeric value of '0' would not retrieve accurate results.

  • Fixed: An error occurred when downloading multiple documents from the Person Profile using the checkbox feature at once.

  • Fixed: The Completed Survey filter did not return accurate results.

  • Updated: When using the Applications (All Properties) filter with the Status Decision property, the dropdown values are now displayed alphabetically.

  • Fixed: The interface did not display correctly when using a custom data source on the Holds card.

  • Updated: A timestamp column was added to the Calculated Segment profile card to indicate when the student entered the Segment.

  • Updated: Two new segment filters were added to evaluate the unsuccessful delivery of SMS campaigns: SMS Failed and SMS Undelivered.

  • Fixed: The hold properties in Segments were using the system default and not updating if a custom data source was used.

Settings + Security

  • Updated: The taxonomy (guid) is now visible when viewing the activity, task, and note types list.

  • Updated: Added the ability to refresh a DNS record, which allows you to request that Element check your record manually.


  • Updated: The Administer People Profiles permission was removed from the Internal Users system permission group. Read the release notes here.

  • Updated: "Access Events" grants view-only access to events without editing capabilities. "Administer Events" provides complete control over events, including editing and creation. "Administer Event Attendees" allows viewing events and managing attendee details (add, edit, delete, update status, export).

  • Updated: "Access Prospect451" offers view-only access to forms, while "Administer Forms" enables complete control over creating, editing, and managing forms.

  • Updated: Viewing tasks on a profile requires the relevant task permissions. Access is contingent upon having either view or administer permissions for tasks and the ability to view profiles.

  • Updated: Appointment Permissions | "Administer Appointments" provides comprehensive control, enabling the creation, editing, and deletion of appointment settings, such as types, categories, and pages. "View Appointments" allows for viewing appointments only, with no permission to edit, delete, or create. "Appointments User" grants full access to view, create, edit, and delete all appointments, alongside the ability to manage availability and personal settings. "My Appointments User" is tailored for managing personal workload, allowing viewing, creating, editing, and deleting appointments assigned to the individual, plus the capability to manage their own availability and settings.

  • Updated: Segment Permissions | "Edit Own Segment" permits users to edit only their authored segments. "Edit Segments" expands this capability, allowing the editing of all segments. "Administer Segments" offers comprehensive control, enabling any segment's creation, editing, and deletion. "Add Labels to Segment" allows label addition to people within segments. "Administer Segment Folders" allows for creating, editing, and deleting segment folders. "Create Segment" grants the permission to create new segments. "Administer Segment Tags" enables tag creation, editing, and deletion. Lastly, "Delete Segments" is limited to removing segments that the user has created.

  • Updated: Campaign Permissions | "Edit Own Communications" enables users to edit only their authored communications. "Edit My Team Communications" allows users to edit communications created by any team member. "Create Tags" grants users the capability to create new Tags. "Delete Tags" offers the option to remove Tags. "Edit Tags" permits users to modify all Tags. "Send Communications" enables the dispatch of all communications. "Send Own Communications" restricts users to sending only the communications they have personally authored. "Send My Team Communications" allows for sending communications created by any team member. Read the release notes here.


  • Fixed: The conditional logic failed when attempting to display a question conditionally from a multi-select.


  • Fixed: When selecting multiple tasks to perform a bulk update, all options were not displayed.

  • Updated: Task Subscriber notification emails are now triggered by updates to the task's status or priority when a task is marked completed and when new notes are added. Read the release notes here.

Workflows + Rules

  • Fixed: REGEXP formulas were not working.

  • Fixed: The organizations-elementid field evaluated a value when no organization was associated with the Person; organization-elementid had a valid URL but no data.

  • Fixed: The From Student Type and To Student Type fields remained blank when adding the Move to a New Student Type action.

  • Fixed: The value Blank was missing from the list when adding the Move to a New Student Type action.

  • Updated: When using a relative delay, the parameter values in the dropdown are now displayed in alphabetical order.

New and Enhanced Features

Live Chat Experience

  • Full-Screen Chat Expansion: Users now have the option to expand the chat window across the entire screen, ensuring a more immersive and focused communication experience.

  • Dedicated Live Chat Page: We've introduced a dedicated page for Live Chat, accessible through a custom URL. This allows for direct access to the messenger without the necessity of embedding it into your pages or website. It widens the scope of potential use cases, offering unparalleled flexibility—integrating live chat links into conversations, campaigns, social media platforms, and beyond. By default, this page showcases our newly enhanced expanded chat experience.


  • Copilot for Campaigns: The Copilot Conversational Interface has been upgraded with the Copilot for Campaigns specialized skill. This enhancement allows you to effortlessly create and manage drip campaigns from anywhere within the platform.

  • Speed Improvements: We've significantly boosted Copilot's speed. It now builds campaigns faster and can handle larger campaigns than ever before, streamlining the campaign creation process and improving productivity.

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